Polynomial Graphing Applet


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(updated 7/17/03)

I updated my polynomial graphing applet to handle up to 5th degree functions. I also added root information.  My main objective is SIMPLICITY.  Anyone can experiment with this program.  

1. Just click on the scroll bars (or hold down) to adjust the coefficients.  A real root exists where the graph intersects the x-axis.  To see straight lines, change numbers in the last 2 boxes to the right. Leave all others zero.  To see a quadratic function, change numbers in the last 3 boxes to the right. Leave others zero. 

2. Linear roots are determined by simply solving  the linear case.  Quadratic roots are found by using the quadratic formula    x = (-b+- Sqrt(b^2-4ac))/2a .  This allows complex pairs to be shown.   3rd, 4th, and 5th degree cases employ the location principle to get a good initial guess, then Newton's method to close in on roots.  Only real roots within the window are shown for the 4th and 5th degree cases .   Complex roots for 4th and 5th degree cases are not calculated. 

3. There may be  bugs in this applet.  Use common sense. If you have suggestions, contact me at ronaldpatterson@windstream.net