All Books
Mathematics Books (not Calc, not DEs, not Eng. Math)
A First Undergrad. Course in Abstract Algebra Hillman 1983 3rd HB 501p
Abstract Algebra and Solution by Radicals Maxfield 1971 (Dover print 1992) PB 209p
Adam's New Arithmetic Adams 1841 HB 262p
Advanced Euclidean Geometry Johnson 1960 (Dover print 2007) PB 319p
Advanced Mathematics Spiegel 1971 (Print 1996) (Schaum's Outline) PB 407p
Advanced Trigonometry Durell 1930 (Dover print 2003) PB 335p
Adventures in Math Barnard 1965 (Print 1968) PB 130p
Algebra 2 An Incremental Development Saxon 1991 2nd HB 577p
Algebraic Functions of One Variable Chevalley 1951 (print 1963) AMS HB 188p
American Math. Society Semicentennial Pub. VI History Archibald 1938 HB 262p
Analysis of Numerical Methods Isaacson 1966 HB 541p
Analytic Geometry Sisam 1949 (revised ed.) HB 304p
Analytic Function Theory Vol. 1 Hille 1959 (Pub. Ginn) HB 308p
Analytic Function Theory Vol. 1 Hille 1959 (4th print 1965, pub. Blaisdell) HB 308p
Analytic Function Theory Vol. 2 Hille 1962 HB 495p
Analytic Inequalities Kazarinoff 1961 (Dover print 2003) PB 89p
Another Fine Math You've Got Me Into Stewart 1992 PB 269p
Applied Analysis for Physicists and Engineers Rice 1972 HB 674p
Applied Descriptive Geom Warner 1954 4th HB 247p
Applied Mathematics Logan 2006 3rd HB 529p
Applied Nonlinear Analysis Sequeira (Edit.) 1999 HB HB 547p
Applied Numerical Analysis Gerald 1989 4th (print 1990) HB 679+43p
Applied Num. Methods Carnahan 1969 HB 604p
Applied Num Methods for Digital Computation James 1977 2nd HB 687p
Applied Num. Methods with MATLAB Chapra 2008 2nd HB 588p
Applied Problems in Probability Theory Wentzel 1986 (from 1983 Russian) HB 431p
Approximating Perfection Lebedev 2004 HB 225p
The Arithmetic Help for Pupils, Teachers, ... Robinson 1902 HB 515p
The Art if the Infinite Kaplan 2003 HB 324p
Aspects of Risk Theory Grandell 1991 (Springer Series in Statistics) HB 175p
Asymptotic Expansions of Integrals Bleistein 1975 (Dover print 1986) PB 425p
A Beginner's Guide to Differential Forms Collier 2021 PB 146p
Beginnings and Evolution of Algebra Bashmakova 2000 (MAA) PB 179p
Bessel Functions with some Physical Applic. Tranter 1968 HB 148p
The Best Writing on Mathematics Pitici (ed.) 2014 Print 2015 PB 336p
Binary Arithmetic and Boolean Alg. Gillie 1965 HB 248p
A Book of Abstract Alg. Pinter 1990 2nd (Dover p. 2010) PB 379p
Brief Analytic Geometry Mason 1935 2nd HB 196p
Burn Math Class and Reinvent Math for Yourself Wilkes 2016 HB 392p
---------- Carus Mathematical Monographs :
---- Calculus of Variations Bliss 1925 (print 1935) (Carus Math. Monograph #1) (MAA) HB 189p
---- Analytic Functions of a Complex Variable Curtiss (Ed.) (Carus Math. Monograph #2) (MAA) HB 173p
---- Vectors and Matrices MacDuffee 1943 (p.1966) (Carus Math. Monograph #7) (MAA) HB 203p
---- Theory Of Algebraic Numbers Pollard 1950(p.1965) (Carus Math. Monograph #9) (MAA) HB 143p
---- Irrational Numbers Niven 1956 (Carus Math. Monograph #11) (MAA) HB 164p
---- Combinatorial Mathematics Ryser 1963 (Carus Math. Monograph #14) (MAA) HB 154p
---- Celestial Mechanics Pollard 1976 (Carus Math. Monograph #18) (MAA) HB 134p
---- The Generalized Riemann Integral McLeod 1980 (Carus Math. Monograph #20) (MAA) HB 275p
---- Random Walks and Electric Networks Doyle 1984 (Carus Math. Monograph #22) (MAA) HB 159p
Church's Descriptive Geom. Blunt 1902 (Origin. 1864) HB 214p
College Geom Court 1952 (4th print 1960) HB 313p
College Algebra 1948 Dept. of Math, Ga. Tech PB 191p
College Math Journal V. 35 #1 Jan. 2004 (MAA)
College Math Journal V. 35 #5 Nov. 2004 (MAA)
College Math Journal V. 36 # 1-5 2005 (MAA)
College Math Journal V. 37 # 1-5 2006 (MAA)
College Math Journal V43 #1 Jan 2012 (MAA) PB 112p
Complex Analysis Ahlfors 1966 2nd (Internat. Series in Pure and Applied Math) HB 317p
Complex Analysis Matthews/Howell 2006 5th HB 633p
Complex Variables and Applic. Churchill 1974 3rd HB 332p****
(3)Complex Variables and Applic. Churchill 1974 3rd HB 332p**** (See Intro to ... below)
Complex Variables for Scientists and Eng. Paliouras 1975 HB 371p
Complex Vars Spiegel 1964 (Schaums Outline) PB 313p
Computational Geometry for Design and Manufacture Faux 1979 (print 1987) PB 331p
A Concrete Approach to Abstract Algebra Sawyer 1959 (Dover print 1978) PB 234p
Contemporary Abstract Algebra Gallian 2002 5th HB 576+52p ****
Contemporary Abstract Algebra Gallian 2010 7th HB 574+51p ****
A Course in Numerical Analysis Lieberstein 1968 Harper's Series in Modern Math HB 258p
Cracking the GRE Math Subject Test Staff of Princeton Rev. 2010 PB 444p
XXXXX SOLD CRC Standard Math Tables Beyer 1984 27th HB 615p
Curvature in Math and Physics Sternberg 2012 (Dover) (I had 2 copies) PB 405p
(One sold)
Dictionary of Math Games, Puzzles, and Amusements Eiss 1998 HB 278p
Differential Geometry Guggenheimer 1963 (Dover print 1977) PB 378p
Differential Geom Lipschutz 1969 (Schaums Outline) PB 269p
Discrete Math and its Applic Rosen 1995 3rd HB 709+130p
The Doctrine of Triangles : A History of Modern Trig Van Brummelen 2021 HB 372p
Dr. Euler's Fabulous Formula Nahin 2006 PB 380p
Dynamic Optimization Kamien 2012 2nd (Dover orig. 1991) PB 369p
Dynamic Topology Whyburn 1979 (Springer Undergrad Texts in Mathematics) HB 152p
Econometric Analysis Greene 1990 HB HB 783p
Elementary Algebra ... Davies 1857 HB 303p
Elementary Differential Geometry O'Neill 1966 HB 411p
Elementary Theory of Equations Dickson 1914 Cornell Library Digital Collection (Reprint after 1990) PB 184p
An Elementary Investigation of the Theory of Numbers Barlow 1811 Cornell Library Digital Collection (Reprint 2010) PB 505p
An Elementary Arithmetic Perkins 1844 HB 264p
Elementary Treatise on Cubic and Quartic Curves Basset 1901 HB 255p
An Elementary Treatise on Fourier's Series and Spherical, Cylindrical, and Elliptical Harmonics Byerly 1893 HB 287p****
An Elementary Treatise on Fourier's Series and Spherical, Cylindrical, and Elliptical Harmonics Byerly 1893 (Dover print 1959) PB 287p****
(3)Elementary Geom from an Advanced Standpoint Moise 1963 HB 419p (3)
Elementary Intro. to Number Theory Long 1965 HB 149p
Elementary Linear Alg Anton 1987 5th HB 475+54p
Elementary Linear Alg Anton 1984 4th HB 403+40p
Elementary Linear Alg Kolman 1977 2nd HB 314p
Elementary Linear Alg Edwards 1988 HB 442p
Elementary Linear Alg Shields 1968 HB 349p
Elementary Number Theory Burton 1997 3rd HB 375p
Elementary Numerical Analysis Conte 1980 3rd (Intl. Series in Applied Math.) HB 432p
Elements of Abstract Algebra Clark 1971 (Dover P. 1984) PB 205p
Elements of Abstract Algebra Moore 1962 (prelim. ed. 1961) HB 203p
Elements of Algebra Wentworth 1889 HB 325p ****
Elements of Algebra Wentworth 1889 Answer Book PB 64p***
Elements of Complex Variables Pennisi 1963 HB 459p
Elements of the Topology of Plane Sets of Points Newman (Dover print 1992) PB 214p
Elliptic Curves Knapp 1992 Princeton U. Press Math. Notes 40 PB 427p
Elliptic Tales Ash 2012 PB 253p
Emerging Applications of Number Theory Hejal(ed.) 1999 (Springer #109) HB 689p
Euclid Revised Nixon 1899 3rd HB 431p
Every Minute Counts: Making Your Math Class Work Johnson 1982 PB 66p
Evolution and the Theory of Games Smith 1982 (print 2005) PB 224p
Excursions in Number Theory Ogilvy 1966 (Dover print 1988) PB 168p
Exponentials Made Easy DeBray 1921 HB 253p
Factorization and Primality Testing Bressoud 1989 (Springer) HB 237p
Famous Problems of Geom and How to Solve Them Bold 1969 (Dover p 1982) PB 112p
Fermat's Enigma Singh 1007 HB 315p
A Field Guide to Algebra Chambert-Loir 2005 HB 195p
50 Mathematical Ideas You Really ... Crilly 2007 HB 208p
Finite Fields for Computer Scientists and Engineers McEliece 1987 HB 207p
Finkel's Mathematical Solution Book Kinkel 4th 1888 (rev 1902) HB 549p
A First Course in Abstract Algebra Paley 1966 HB 319p
A First Course in Fourier Analysis Kammler 2000 HB 709+40p
A First Course in Graph Theory Chartrand Dover 2012 PB 450p
A First Course in Numerical Methods Jennings 1964 HB 233p
First Lessons in Algebra ... Davies 1840 HB 252p
Fixed Points and Topological Degree in Nonlinear Analysis Cronin 1964 AMS Math. Surveys #11 HB 198p
Foundations and Fundamental Concepts of Math Eves 1990 (Dover) PB 344p
Foundations of Applied Math. Greenberg 1978 HB 636p
Foundations of Geometry Hilbert 1997 Open Court Classics (from 1933) PB 226p
Foundations of Geom Hilbert 1997 (Open Court Classic) PB 224p
Foundations of Geometry B. Russell 1897 HB 201p
Foundations of Math. Denbow 1959 HB 620p
Fourier Analysis Spiegel 1974 (Schaums Outline) PB 191p
The Fourier Series Hardy 1956 (Dover print 2013) PB 100p
Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems Churchill 1941 1st ed., 2nd print HB 201p
Fractal Creations Wegner 1991 (with floppy disk and glasses) PB 315p
Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws Schroeder 1991 PB 429p
Fractals Everywhere Barnsley 1988 HB 394p
Fractals in the Earth Sciences Barton 1995 HB 265p
Functional Analysis and Time Optimal Control Hermes 1969 Math. in Science and Eng. Vol. 56 HB 136p
Fundam Methods of Mathematical Economics 1984 3rd HB 778p
Fundamentals of Complex Analysis Saff 2003 3rd HB 511+52p
Fundamentals of Numerical Analysis Fox 1963 (Table pp 107-144) HB 147p
Fuzzy Thinking Kosko 1993 PB 318p
Game Theory - Mathematical Models of Conflict Jones 1980 HB 309p
General Topology Lipschutz 1965 (Schaums Outline) PB 238p
Generalized Harmonic Analysis and Tauberian Theorems Wiener PB 242p
Geometric Algebra Artin 1957 (p. 1966) Tracts in Mathematics 3 HB 214p
Geometric Inequalities Kazarinoff 1961 (New Math. Library #4) PB 132p
The Geometry of Art and life Ghyka 1977 (Dover, Original 1946) PB 174p
Geometry of Complex Numbers Schwerdtfeger 1962 (Dover print 1979) PB 198p
The Geometry of Incidence Dorwalt 1966 HB 156p
The Geometry of the Zeroes Marden 1949 AMS Math. Surveys #3 HB 183p
Geometry, Relativity, and the 4th Dimension Rucker (Dover 1977) PB 133p
Geometry: Modern Math via the Euclidean Plane Levy 1970 HB 170p
Geometry and Trig (ICS Staff) 1932 Flexible HB 73+25+18p
Glimpses of Algebra and Geometry Toth 1998 (Springer Undergrad Text in Math.) HB 308p
God Created the Integers Hawking 2007 PB 1358p
The Grapes of Math Bellos 2014 PB 337p
Graphical and Mechanical Computation Lipka 1918 HB 264p
Graphical Simulation Woodworth 1967 HB 574p
Graphs, Matrices, and Designs Rees 1993 (Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math. Vol. 139) PB 314p
GRE Math Agrawal 2004 5th ed. (REA Research) PB 340p
The Great Equations Crease 2008 PB 315p
Group Theory Baumslag 1968 (Schaums Outline) PB 279p
A Guide to Distribution Theory and Fourier Transforms Strichartz 1994 (CRC Press Studies in Adv. Math.) HB 213p
Handbook of Applied Mathematics Pearson(Ed.) 1974 HB 1265p
Handbook of Math. Functions Abramowitz 1965 (Print 1972 Dover) PB 1046p
Handbook of Math. Tables and Formulas Burington 1965 4th (I have 5th) HB 423p
(2)Handbook of Math. Tables and Formulas Burington 1973 5th HB 500p
Hexaflexagons and Other Math. Diversions Gardner 1988 new ed. PB 200p
Higher Algebra Hall 1940 4th (reprinted many times) HB 557p
Higher Arithmetic Berman 1897 HB 193p
Higher Math for Engineers and Physicists Sokolnikoff 1941 2nd HB 587p
The Historical Roots of Elem. Math. Bunt 1976 (Dover print 1988) PB 299p
A History of Math Boyer 1991 2nd (rev) PB 715p
A History of Pi Beckmann 1971 PB 200p
How to Solve Applied Math Problems Moiseiwitsch 2011 (Dover) PB 324p
How to Solve It Polya 1957 2nd PB 253p
ICIAM91 O'Malley (ed.) 1992 SIAM HB 391p
An Imaginary Tale : The Story of the Square Root of Neg 1 Nahin 1998 HB 257p
XXXXXXX SOLD An Imaginary Tale : The Story of the Square Root of Neg 1 Nahin 1998 (print 2007) PB 267p
In Pursuit of the Unknown - 17 Equations ... Stewart 2012 (print 2013) PB 342p
XXXXXXX SOLD In Pursuit of the Unknown - 17 Equations ... Stewart 2012 (print 2013) PB 342p
Infinite Powers Strogatz 2019 HB 360p
Infinite Series and Sequences Kopp 1956 (Dover) PB 186p
Inside Interesting Integrals Nahin 2015 PB 412p
Integral Equations and Applic Corduneanu 1991 HB 366p
Intermediate Algebra Slaught 1916 HB 256p
Intro to Algebra Day 1842 43rd HB 332p
Intro to Analysis Rosenlicht Dover 1968 (print 1986) PB 254p
Intro to Analytic Functions Kaplan 1966 (Addison-Wesley Series in Math) HB 212p
(3)Intro to Complex Variables and Applications Churchill 1948 1st (I have two 3rd editions above) HB 215p ****
An Introduction to the History of Math Eves 1983 5th HB 593p
An Intro. to Inequalities Beckenbach 1961 Random House New Math. Library 3 PB 129p
Introductory Analysis McBrien 1961 HB 188p
Introductory Graph Theory Chartrand 1977 (Dover 1985) PB 294p
Introductory Lin Alg Kolman 1993 5th HB 617p
Intro to Math Modeling Bender 1978 (Dover print 2000) PB 256p
Intro to Mathematical Statistics Hoel 1962 3rd HB 427p
Intro to the Mathematical Theory of Waves Knobel (AMS 2000) PB 191p
Intro to Matrices, Vectors, and Linear Programming Campbell 1965 HB 244p
Intro to Numerical Analysis Hildebrand 1974 2nd (Dover print 1987) PB 669p
Intro to Numerical Methods Stark 1970 (print 1971) HB 334p
Intro to Stochastic Processes Cinlar 1975 HB 402p
Intro to the Theory of Equations Weisner 1938 (print 1959) HB 188p
Intro to the Theory of Groups Rotman 1984 3rd HB 422p
Intro to Vector Analysis Davis 1979 4th HB 340p
Intuitive Concepts in Elementary Topology Arnold HB 182p
Involve: A Journal of Mathematice V.1 #1 2008 (Math. Sciences Publishers) PB 121p
The Irrationals Havil 2012 PB 298p
Join Geometries Prenowitz 1979 (Springer Undergrad. Texts Math.) HB 534p
The Joy of X Strogatz 2012HB 316p
The Kalman Filter (Intro. by Maclean) 2021 2021 PB 180p
The Laplace Transform An Intorduction Rainville 1963 (P. 1971) PB 106p
Laplace Transforms Spiegel 1965 (Schaums Outline) PB 261p
Laplace Transforms Williams 1973 (Problem Solvers 10) HB 93p *****
Laplace Transforms Williams 1973 (Problem Solvers 10) PB 93p *****
Laplace Transforms and Applications Watson 1981 (VNR New Math Library 10) PB 204p
Laplace Transform Theory Smith 1966 (New Univ. Math Series) PB 123p
Lectures in Abstract Algebra Jacobson 1953 (Part 2 Linear Alg.) HB 280p
Lie Equations V.1 General Theory Kumpera 1972 (Annals of Math. Studies #73) PB 293p
Linear Alg Hoffman 1971 2nd HB 407p
Linear Alg Lay 2012 4th HB 492+66p
Linear Integral Equations Theory and Technique Kanwal 1971 HB 296p
Linear Integral Equations Lovitt 1950 HB 253p
Linear Programming Chvatal 1983 PB 478p
The Little Book of Laplace Transforms Sauro 2021 PB 217p
The Logarithmic Potential and other Monographs Evans, ... Early 1900s (print 1980) HB pp 1-150;pp 1-107;pp 1-117
The Mandelbrot and Julia Sets Devaney 2000 (Blackline Activity Masters) PB 151p
Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning v.1 Polya 1954 (print 1990) PB 280p
Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning v.2 Polya 1968 2nd (print 1990) PB 225p
Math and The Physical World Kline 1959 (Dover 1981) PB PB 482p
Mathematics for the Million Hogben 1968 4th HB 648p
Math for Economists Simon 1994 HB 930p
Math Handbook Lipschutz/Liu 2018 5th (Schaums Outline) PB 309p
Math Handbook Spiegel 1968 (Schaums Outline) PB 271p
Mathematics : Its Content, Methods, and Meaning Vol. 1 Alexandrov(edit) 1963 (3rd print 1981) PB 376p
Mathematics : Its Content, Methods, and Meaning Vol. 2 Alexandrov(edit) 1963 (3rd print 1981) PB 394p
Mathematics : Its Content, Methods, and Meaning Vol. 3 Alexandrov(edit) 1963 (3rd print 1981) PB 372p
Mathematics of the Decision Sciences Part I Dantzig (Ed.) AMS Lectures in Appl. Math. V2 HB 429p
Mathematics of Diffusion Crank 1956 1st (print 1970) HB 347p
Mathematical Circus Gardner 1979 (print 1988) HB 272p
The Mathematical Tourist Peterson 1988 PB 240p
Math Handbook for Scientists and Engineers Korn 1968 2nd HB 1130p
Math for Dynamic Modeling Beltrami 1987 HB 277p
Math Modeling of Diverse Phenomena Howard 1979 (NASA) SIGNED pb 394p ****
The Math Universe Dunham 1994 PB 314p
The Math Universe Dunham 1994 PB 307p
The Math Mechanic Levi 2009 HB 186p
Mathcad 2000 Users Guide 1986-1999 PB 335p
The Math Magic Show Gardner 1977 6th HB 284p
Math Models Cundy 1961 2nd HB 278p
Math Bafflers Dunn 1964 HB 216p
Math Olympiad Contest Problems for Elem/Mid School Lencher 1997 (Print 1999) PB 280p
Mathographics Dixon 1987 (Dover print 1991) PB 214p
Math Curiosities Posamentier 2014 PB 382p
Math Discovery Vol. 1 Polya 1962 HB 216p
Math Hacks Cochrane 2108 PB 208p
Math in the Making Hogben 1960 (cover dated 1971) HB 320p
Math Diversions from Sci. American Gardner 1966 4th HB 253p
Math Models Haberman 1988 SIAM PB 402p
Math Modeling and Digital Simulation ... Smith 1987 2nd HB 430p
Math Mystery Cruise Peterson 1990 PB 325p
Math Cryptology for Computer Sci. and Engineers Patterson 1987 HB 312p
Matrices Ayres 1962 (Schaums Outline) PB 218p
Matrices and Transformations Pettofrezzo 1966 (Dover print 1978) PB 133p
Measure, Integration, and Functional Analysis Ash 1972 HB 284p
Measure, Topology, and Fractal Geom Edgar 1990 HB 230p
Men of Mathematics Bell 1937 HB 592p
Methods of Real Analysis Goldberg 1970 PB 359p
Methods of the Theory of Functions of Many Complex Variables Vladimirov 1966 (Dover print 2007) PB 353p
The Method of Trigonometric Sums in the Theory of Numbers Vinogradov 1949 ? HB 180p
The Millenium Problems Devlin 2002 HB 237p
Modern Abstract Algebra Ayres 1965 (Schaums Outline) PB 243p
Modern Introductory Analysis Dolciani 1980 6th HB 692p
Modern Math Analysis Protter 1964 3rd (Print 1966) HB 790p
Modern Geom Adler 1958 HB 215p
Modern Geometries Smart 1994 4th HB 410p
Modern Operational Math. in Engineering Churchill 1944 HB 306p ***
Modern Operational Math. in Engineering Churchill 1944 HB 306p ***
Monte Carlo Methods VI Basics Kalos 1986 HB 186p
More Rapid Math Tricks and Tips Julius 1996 HB 226p
A New Look at Geom Adler 1966 Republished (Dover print 2012) PB 414p
New Mental Arithmetic Brooks 1873 HB 176p
New York State Arith Years 5 and 6 Wentworth 1912 HB 298+39p
Nomography Levens 1948 HB 176p
The Non-euclidean Hyperbolic Plane Kelly 1981 PB 333p
Nonlinear Integral Equations Anselone (Ed.) 1964 Pub. #11 Math Research U.S. Army Univ. Wisconsin HB 378p
Nonlinear Mathematics Saaty 1964 (Dover print 1981) PB 381p
Nonlinear Volterra Integral Equations Miller 1971 HB PB 468p
Number Systems and Their Uses Wolf 1971 HB 591p
Number Theory Andrews 1971 (Dover print 1994) PB 259p
Number Theory and its History Ore 1948 HB 370p
Number Theory and its History Ore 1948 (Dover print 1988) PB 370p
Numbers : Rational and Irrational Niven 1961 Random House New Math Library 1 PB 136p
Numerical Analysis Burden 1997 HB 811p
Numerical Analysis Burden/Faires 1993 5th HB 768p
Numerical Analysis Scheid 1968 (Schaums Outline) PB 309p
Numerical Analysis Cheney 1991 HB 690p
Numerical Analysis of Singular Perturbation Problems Hemker (Ed.) 1979 HB 499p
Num Methods Hornbeck 1975 PB 308p
Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization and Nonlinear Equations Dennis 1996 (SIAM) PB 378p
Olney's Complete Algebra Olney 1881 New ed. HB 439p
One, Two, Three, ... Infinity Gamow 1961 (Bantam print 1979) PB 340p
100 Numerical Games Berloq uin 1976 PB 152p
100 Great Problems of Elementary Math Dorrie 1965 PB 393p
Operational Math Churchill 1958 2nd HB 337p
Operational Methods in Applied Mathematics Carslaw 1948 2nd (Dover print 1963) PB 359p
Optimal Estimation, Identification, and Control Lee 1964 HB 152p
Pearls in Graph Theory Hartsfield 1994 (Rev. Ed.) HB 249p
Plane and Spherical Trig. Ballou 1943 HB 179p
Plane and Spherical Trig Bauer 1917 2nd HB 174+139p
Plane and Spherical Trig with Tables Wentworth 1915 230+28+104p
Plane Trig and Tables Granville 1908 HB 191+38p
Plane Geom Wentworth 1888 rev ed. HB 256p
Plane Trig. with Tables Ewing 1933 HB 165+131p
Polynomials Barbeau 1989 (print 2003) PB 455p
Polynomials of One Variable: The Theory of Equations Caldwell 2015 PB 272p
Practical Mathematics: Theory and Practice with Military Applications
#2 Adv. Arithmetic McGiffert 1943 PB pgs 65-127
#3 Basic Algebra Graves 1943 PB pgs 128-191
#4 Adv. Alg Dines 1943 PB Pgs 192-256
#5 Plane Geom Bower 1943 PB Pgs 157-320
#6 Solid Geom Kasner 1943 PB pgs 321-384
#7 Trig Agnew 1943 PB pgs 385-447
Preliminary Actuarial Exams Math and Prob. and Statistics 1984 PB 50p
The Principia Newton (Translated by Motte) 1995 Great Minds Series PB 455p
Principles of Fluxions Vince 1st American Ed. 1812 HB 256p
Principles of Math Analysis Rudin 1964 2nd (Internat. Series in Pure And Appl. Math) HB 270p
Principles of Mathematical Modeling Dym 1980 (Academic Press Comp. Sci. and Applied Math Monographs) HB 260p
**Principles of Real Analysis Charalambos 1998 3rd HB 415p ****
**Principles of Real Analysis (A workbook with solutions) Charalambos 1999 2nd HB 403p ****
A Primer of Linear Alg Bradley 1975 HB 382p
Prob. and Stats Spiegel 1975 (Schaums Outline) PB 372p
Prob and Stats for Sci and Engineers Walpole 1998 6th HB 739p
Problem Book in the Theory of Functions V.1 Knopp 1948 (print after 1966) PB 126p
The Problem of Moments Shohat and Tamarkin 1443 (Amer Math Society) HB 139p
Progressive Solid Geom Hart 1936 Books VI-IX Pgs 363-596
Projective Geom Ayres 1967 (Schaums Outline) PB 243p
Proofs From the Book Aigner 2004 3rd Springer HB 239p
Ray's Algebra : Part First ... Ray 1848 (rev. ed.) HB 240p
Ray's New Intellectual Arithmetic 1877 HB 140p
Real and Abstract Analysis Hewitt 1965 (print 1991, Springer Grad. Texts Math.) HB 476p
Real Analysis A First Course Gordon 1977 HB 303p
The Real Analysis Lifesaver Grinberg 2017 PB 193p
Real Functions Goffman 1953 Vol. 8 (Prindle,Weber,and Schmidt Complim. Series in Math) PB 261p
Real Variables Olmsted 1959 Appleton-Century Math Series Hb 621p
Recent Developments in Information and Decision Processes Michol 1962 (2nd print 1963) HB 197p
Recreations in the Theory of Numbers Beiler 1966 (Dover) PB 349p
The Reimann Hypothesis Sabbagh 2002 PB 342p
Reimann Surfaces Springer 1981 2nd HB 309p
Representations and Characters of Groups James 1993 (Cambridge Math Texts) PB 419p
(2)Scattering Theory Lax 1967 Pure and Appl. Math. #26 HB 276p ***
(1)Scattering Theory Lax 1967 Pure and Appl. Math. #26 HB 276p ***
Scattering Theory Lax 1967 Academic Press Pure and Appl. Math.: A series of Monographs and Textbooks #26 HB 276p ***
The Schur Lectures (1992) Piatetski-Shapiro 1995 Israel Math Conference PB 236p
The Science of Fractal Images Peitgen/Saupe Editors ***SIGNED BY Pietgen*** Authors: Barnsley, 1989 HB 312p
Scientific American Book of Math Puzzles and Diversions Gardner 1961 (2nd Book) HB 253p
Secrets of Mental Math Benjamin 2006 PB 278p
Set Theory Lipschutz 1998 2nd Schaum's Outline PB 282p
Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis Cohen 1966 Math. Lecture Note Series PB 154p
Shapes, Space, and Symmetry Holden 1971 (Dover print 1991) PB 200p
A Short Table of Integrals Pierce 1902 (rev. ed. from 1899) HB 134p
(2) A Short Table of Integrals Pierce 1929 3rd HB 156p ***
(2) A Short Table of Integrals Pierce 1929 3rd HB 156p ***
(2) A Short Table of Integrals Pierce 1956 4th (renewed 1957) (I have more) HB 189p
(2) A Short Table of Integrals Pierce 1957 4th HB 189p
Simulation Fundamentals Bennett 1995 HB 329p
Simultaneous Linear Equations and the Determination of Eigenvalues Paige (Editor) Dept. of Commerce, Appl. Math Series #29 HB 126p
Singular Perturbations I Spaces and Singular Pert. ... Frank 1990 Studies in Math and Applic. #23 HB 555p
Singularity Theory and an Intro. to Catastrophe Theory Lu 1976 Springer PB 199p
Slicing Pizzas, Racing Turtles, ... Banks 1999 (print 2012) PB 286p
Solid Analytical Geometry and Determinants Dresden 1930 (Dover print 1964) PB 310p
Some Topics in Two-Person Games Parthasarathy (modern Analytic and Computational Methods in Sci. and Math #22) HB 259p
Standard Math. Tables and Formulae Zwillinger(ed.) 30th CRC 1996 HB 812p
MAA Studies in Mathematics:
Studies in Modern Analysis Buck(Ed.) MAA Studies in Mathematics V.1 1962 HB 182p ***
(2)Studies in Modern Analysis Buck(Ed.) MAA Studies in Mathematics V.1 1962 HB 182p ***
Studies in Modern Algebra Albert(Ed.) MAA Studies in Mathematics V.2 1963 HB 190p
Studies in Real and Complex Analysis Hirschman(Ed.) MAA Studies in Mathematics V.3 1965 HB 213p
Studies in Global Geometry and Analysis Chern(Ed.) MAA Studies in Mathematics V.4 1967 HB 197p
Studies in Modern Topology Hilton(Ed.) MAA Studies in Mathematics V.5 1968 HB 212p
Studies in Number Theory LeVeque(Ed.) MAA Studies in Mathematics V.6 1969 HB 212p
Studies in Applied Math. Taub(Ed.) MAA Studies in Mathematics V.7 1971 HB 217p
Studies in Model Theory Morley(Ed.) MAA Studies in Mathematics V.8 1973 HB 197p
Studies in Algebraic Logic Diagneault(Ed.) MAA Studies in Mathematics V.9 1974 HB 207p
Studies in Optimization Dantzig(Ed.) MAA Studies in Mathematics V.10 1974 HB 180p
Studies in Harmonic Analysis Ash(Ed.) MAA Studies in Mathematics V.13 1976 HB 318p
Studies in Ordinary DEs Hale(Ed.) MAA Studies in Mathematics V.14 1977 HB 278p
Studies in Mathematical Biology Part 2 Levin (Ed.) MAA Studies in Mathematics V.16 1978 HB 120p
Studies in Statistics Hogg(Ed.) MAA Studies in Mathematics V.19 1978 HB 213p
Studies in Computer Science Pollack (Ed.) MAA Studies in Mathematics V.22 1982 HB 388p
Studies in Numerical Analysis Golub (Ed.) MAA Studies in Mathematics V.24 1984 HB 415p
Studies in Mathematical Economics Reiter(Ed.) MAA Studies in Mathematics V.25 1986 HB 441p
Studies in the History of Mathematics Phillips(Ed.) MAA Studies in Mathematics V.26 1987 HB 308p
Space Mathematics Kastner 1985 (NASA) PB 192p
Spectral Generalizations of Line Graphs Cvetkovic 2004 (London Math. Society) PB 297p
The Stastical Mechanics of Interacting Walks, ... Renasbug 2000 (Oxford Lecture Series in Math. Applications #18) HB 379p
Statistics for Experimenters Box 1978 (Wiley) HB 653p
Stochastic Models for Social Processes Bartholomew 1967 (print 1970) HB 275p
Tables of Integrals and Other Math Data Dwight 1947 (rev. ed.) HB 250p
Tables of Integrals and Other Math Data Dwight 1961 4th HB 336p
Theory and Applic of Infinite Series Knopp 1990 (Dover reprint from 1951) PB 561p
Theory of Equations Uspensky 1948 HB 353p
Theory of Functions and Real Variables Graves 1946 HB 300p
The Theory of Groups Zassenhaus 1958 (Dover print 1999) PB 265p
Theory of Matrices Lancaster 1969 HB 316p
Theory of Maxima and Minima Hancock 1917 (Dover print 1960) PB 193+13p
Theory and Problems of Matrices Ayres 1962 (Schaums Outline) PB 218p
Time Series Weiner 1949 (print 1975) MIT Press PB 163p
To Infinity and Beyond Maor 1987 HB 284p
Topics in Math Modeling Tung 2007 HB 300p
Towing Icebergs, Falling Dominoes, ... Banks 1998 (print 2013) PB 319p
Transformation Geometry Martin 1982 (Springer Undergrad. Text) HB 237p
Trig Plane and Spherical Ayres 1954 (Schaums Outline) PB 207p
Tutorials on Multiresolution in Geometric Modelling Iske(ed.) 2002 HB 417p
2500 Math Formulae Biddle (advisor) 1984 (The Pocket Professor) PB 353+20 index (tiny book)
(2) Unbounded Linear Operators Goldberg 1994 2nd (Dover print 2006) PB 199p
Unbounded Linear Operators Goldberg 1966 M-Hill Series in Higher Math. HB 199p
Undergraduate Analysis Lang 1983 (Springer Undergrad. Texts Math.) HB 545p
Unknown Quantity Derbyshire 2006 PB 374p
XXXXX SOLD Unknown Quantity Derbyshire 2006 PB 374p
A Unified Intro to Lin Algebra Tucker 2988 HB 540p *** Several Blank Pages !!! ***
Vector Analysis Spiegel 1959 (Schaums Outline) PB 225p
Wheels, Life, and other Mathematical Amusements Gardner 1983 ***High Level Scientist's Signature within *** HB 261p
The World of Mathematics Newman 1956 (4 Volumes; in a box) HB 2469 pages total
Zero : The Biography of a Dangerous Idea Seife 2000 HB 239p
Calculus Books
Adv Algebra and Calc Made Simple 1959 PB 222p
Adv Calc Kaplan 1984 3rd HB 721p
Advanced Calculus Trench 1978 HB 754p
Advanced Calc Widder 1961 2nd HB 520p
Adv Calc Wilson 1912 HB 566p
Adv Calc (Schaum's Outline) Spiegel 1963 PB 384p
Adv Calc O'Neil 1975 HB622p
Adv Calc for Applications Hildebrand 1976 2nd HB 733p
Applic. of Calc to mechanics Hedrick 1909 HB 116p
A Brief course in the Calc Cain 1907 3rd HB 281p
The Calc Carmichael 1927 HB 345p
Calc Cliff's Quick Review 1993 Zandy PB 132p (2)
Calculus (Schaum's Outline) Ayers 1964 2nd PB 345p
Calc Volume 1 Apostol 1967 2nd HB 666p
Calculus of Variations in the Large Morse 1934 (Print 1966) AMS Colloquium Publications Vol. XVIII HB 368p
Calc the Easy Way Downing 1988 2nd pb 307p
Calc for the Practical Man (Math for self study) Thompson 1946 HB 342p
Calc and Analytic Geom. Thomas 1972 Alt. Ed. to 3rd HB 1034p (2)
Calc w/ Analy Geom Thomas 1960 3rd (3rd print 1962) HB 1010p
Calc Thomas 1953 2nd (4th print 1957) HB 691p
Calc and Analy. Geom. Thomas 3rd 1960 (2nd print 1961) HB 1910p
Calc w/ Analy Geom Niles 1971 HB 589p
Calc Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic Finney 1999 HB 787p
Calc Zandy 1993 Cliffs Notes PB 132p
Calc Varberg 2000 8th HB 859p
Calc Purcell/Varberg 1984 4th HB 864p
Calc Concepts and Contexts Stewart 1998 (NCSU) HB 991+140p
Calc Stewart 1999 4th HB 1185+130p
Calc Concepts and Contexts Stewart 2001 2nd HB 990+145p
Calc Early Transcendentals Stewart 2003 5th HB 1168+136p
Calc Early Transcendentals Stewart 2009 6th HB 1109+161p ***
Calc Stewart Early Transcen. 6th Multivariable Student Solutions Manual Clegg 2008 PB 323p ***
Study Guide for Stewart's Multivariable Calc St. Andre 2008 PB 323p ***
Calc Early Transcendentals Anton 2002 7th HB 1166+106p
Calc Hart 1955 (belonged to my father) HB 572p
Calc and Analy. Geom Larson 2006 8th HB 1138+161p
Calc and Analy. Geom Larson 1990 4th HB 1083+112p ***
Calc and Analy. Geom Larson Study and Solns Guide Heyd PB602p ***
Calc an Intuitive Approach Kline 1977 2nd PB 943p
Calc Vol. 1 Dick 1992 PB 633+26p ***
Calc Vol. 1 Dick 1992 Student Guide to using Technology PB 159p ***
Calc BC Adv Placement Exam (REA) Arterburn 1989 PB 351p
Calc AB Adv Placement Exam (REA) Brook 1989 PB 356p
Calc an Integrated Approach Small 1990 HB 685p
Calc for Scientisis and Engineers Early Transcen. Briggs 2013 HB 1186+101p ***
Calc for Scientists and Engineers Briggs Student Solution Manual (by Woodard) 2013 PB 283p ***
Calc w/ Trig and Analy Geom Saxon 1988 HB 622p
Calc Readings from the Mathematics Teacher Grinstein (ed) NCTM 1977 PB 230p
Calc Made Easy Thompson/Gardner 1998 HB 329p
Calc Made Easy F.R.S. (Thompson) 1914 2nd HB 265p
Calc for Electronics Richmond 1983 3rd HB 521p
Calc for Biologists Peterson 2008 HB 523p
Calc on Manifolds Spivak 1965 (Math Monographs Series, W.A. Benjamin) PB 146p
Calc with Applications and Computing V.1 Lax 1976 Springer Undergrad. Texts in Math HB 513p
A Century of Calc. Part 2 (1969-1991)Apostol 1992 MAA PB 481p
.....Goes with Selected Papers on Calc. (below)
Cracking the AP Calc AB and BC Exams 2004-05 ed. (Princeton rev) Kahn PB 644p
Cracking the AP Calc AB and BC Exams 2008 ed. (Princeton rev) Kahn 870p
Differential and Integral Calc. V1. Courant 1937 2nd (print 1968) HB 616p ***
Differential and Integral Calc. V2. Courant 1936 2nd (print 1944) HB 682p ***
An Elementary Course of Infintesimal Calc Lamb 1919 3rd HB 530p
An Elementary Treatise on Diff and Int Calc Boucharlat 1828 HB 398p
Elements Of Calc Granville 1946 HB 549p
Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus Granville 1929 (with papers) HB 516p
Essential Calc w/ applic Silverman 1977 (Dover 1989) PB 292p
Excursions in Calculus Young 1992 MAA Dolciani Math Expos. #13 PB 417p
Five steps to an A: AP calc AB/BC Ma 2011 4th PB 477p
How to Ace the Rest of Calculus Adams 2001 PB 272+16p
The Humongous book of Calc Problems Kelley 2006 PB 564p
Intro to Calculus of Variations Sagan 1969 + Answer Booklet !!! Internat. Series in Pure and Appl. Math. HB 449p
Intro to the Infinitesimal Calc Caunt 1914 HB 568p
Methods of Adv Calc Franklin 1944 (4th printing) HB 486 p
Multivariable Calc. Anton 1992 4th HB various paged sections
An Outline for the Study of Calc Vi Minnick 1976 PB 1 to 319p
An Outline for the Study of Calc Vii Minnick 1976 PB 320 to 660p
An Outline for the Study of Calc Viii Minnick 1976 PB 661 to 892p
Peterson's AP Calc AB and BC Kelley 2005 4th 660p
Selected Papers on Calc Apostol, editors 1969 MAA HB 397p
.....Goes with A Century of Calc. (above)
Teach yourself Calc w/ analytic geom Washington 1966 ( 2nd print 1969) HB 440p
Technical Calculus with Analytic Geom Washington 1966 (2nd print 1969) HB 440p
Unified Calc. Smith 1947 (print 1952) HB 534p
University Calc Haas 2016 3rd HB 912+134p
Vector Calc Colley 2006 3rd HB 551 p
Differential Equations and Boundary Value Prob.; Finite Element Books
Analysis and Solution of PDE Street 1973 HB 458p
XXXXX SOLD Applied DE Spiegel 1958 10th print 1965 HB 381p
Applied DE Spiegel 1958 print 1963 HB 381p
Applied DE Spiegel 1967 2nd 4th print HB 412p
Applied Finite Element Analysis Segerland 1976 HB 422p
Applied PDE Duchateau 1989 (Dover print 2002) PB 620p
Applied PDE with F.Series and BVP Haberman 2004 4th HB 769p
(3)BVP Powers 1972 1st (I have 2nd and 5th) HB 238p
BVP Powers 1979 2nd ed. HB 351p
BVP and PDE Powers 2006 5th ed. HB 501p ***
BVP and PDE Student Solutions Manual Powers 2006 5th ed. PB 180p ***
BVP and Fourier exp. MacCluer 2004(Dover) PB 357p
The Calculus of Finite Differences and Difference Equations Spiegel 1971 Schaum's Outline PB 259p
Classical Ordinary DEs with Numerical Examples Barbee Print 2022 PB 615p
Concepts and Applic. of Finite Element Analysis Cook 1981 2nd HB 537p
DE Ayres 1952 Schaum's Outline PB 296p
DE Blanchard/Devaney/Hall 2002 2nd HB 786p
DE Bronson 1994 2nd Schaums Outline PB 358p
DE A Dynamical Systems Approach Hubbard 1995 (Springer Texts in Appl. Math. 18) HB 601p
DE and Linear Abgebra Edwards 2005 2nd HB 751+8p
DE and Mathematical Biology Jones 2003 CRC HB 390p
DE A Modeling Approach Giordano 1991 HB 672+63p
DE a Modeling Perspective Borrelli 2004 2nd ed. HB 718p
DE and Their Applic. Braun 1978 (short v.) HB 319p
DE Basic Concepts Nielson 1966 2nd ed. (Barnes and Noble) PB276 p
DE Lomen 1988 HB 464p
DE Phillips 1934 3rd ed. HB 125p
DE Dummies Holzner 2008 PB 336p ***
DE on Fractals : A Tutorial Strichartz 2006 PB 169p
DE with Maple Coombes 1997 2nd ed. PB 240 p
DE Workbook for Dummies Holzner 2009 PB 294p ***
DE and BVP Edwards 2004 3rd HB 787p
DE with BVP Zill 2005 6th HB 559+30p + CD
DE with Linear Algebra Nitecki 1986 (Saunders Series) HB 596+48p
Elementary DE and BVP Boyce 1969 2nd HB 533+51p
Elementary DE Boyce 1977 3rd HB 451+37 p
Elementary DE and BVP Boyce 2001 7th HB 741p ***
Elem. DE and BVP Student Soln. Manual Boyce 2001 7th ed. PB 256p ***
Elementary DE and BVP Boyce/Diprima 2015 10th PB 809p
Elementary DE Edwards 1985 HB 632+31p
XXXXX SOLD Elementary DE w/ BVP Edwards 1985 2nd HB 969p
Elementary DE Kells 1935 2nd HB 248p
Elementary DE Kells 1954 4th HB 266p
Elementary DE Martin 1961 2nd HB 331p
Elementary DE Rainville 1964 3rd (6th print 1967) HB 521 p
Elementary PDEs Berg 1966 (printed after 1976) HB 421p ***
Elementary PDEs Berg 1966 Holden-Day Series in Math HB 421p ***
Finite Element Analysis Theory and Applic. with ANSYS Moaveni 2nd HB 822p
The Finite Element Method Norrie 1973 (Acad. Press) HB 322p
The Finite Element Method Zienkiewicz 1977 3rd HB 787p
Finite Element Modeling for Stress Analysis Cook 1995 HB 320p
Finite Element Simulations with ANSYS Workbench 13 Lee 2011 PB 599p
A First course in PDE Weinberger 1965 HB 446p
Fundamentals of DE Nagle 1989 2nd HB 682+37p
Fundamentals of DE Nagle 2004 6th (includes CD) HB 660+49 ***
Fundamentals of DE and BVP Nagle 2004 4th HB 835+60p ***
Fundamentals of DE and BVP Nagle 2008 5th (includes CD) HB 862+60p
Student Solutions Manual for DEs Nagle/Saff by Maymeskul 4th ed. PB 744p ***
Fundamentals of DE Nagle 2008 7th (includes CD) HB 686+49p %%%%%
Student Solutions Manual for Fund. of DE Nagle 7th and Fund. of DE & BVP Nagle Maymeskul PB 688p %%%%%
Handbook of DE Zwillinger 1989 HB 673p
Intro to DE Moore 1962 College Math Series HB 236p
Intro to DE of Physics Hopf 1948 (Dover; print after 1958) PB 154p +++
XXXXX SOLD Intro to DE of Physics Hopf 1948 (Dover print after 1966) PB 154p +++
Intro to DE Order and Chaos Diacu 2000 HB 397p
Intro to DE with BVP Campbell and Haberman 1996 HB 737p
Intro to Finite Element Method Desai 1972 HB 477p
Intro to PDE with Applications Zachmanoglou 1976 (Dover 1986) PB 405p
Kernel Functions and Elliptic DE in Mathematical Physics Bergman 1953 (Dover print 2005) PB 432p
Lectures on Ordinary DE Hurewicz 1958 (Dover print 1990) PB 122p
Linear DE and Function Spaces Massera 1966 Pure and Appl. Math - A Series of Monographs ... (Academic Press) HB 404p
Modeling with DE in Chemical Engineering Walas 1991 Butterworth-Heinemann Series in C.E. HB 450p
Modern Introductory DE Bronson 1973 Schaum's Outline PB 306p
Nonhomogeneous BVP and Applic. I Lions 1972 Springer HB 357p
Nonlinear Operators and DE's in Banach Spaces Martin 1976 Pure and Appl. Math. Wiley Interscience HB 440p
Numerical Solution of PDEs : Finite Difference Methods Smith 1978 2nd HB 304p
Numerical Solution of PDEs by the Finite Element Method Johnson 2009 (Dover from 1987) PB 278p
Ordinary DE Hale 1980 (Pure and Applied Mathematics : A Series of Texts ...) HB 361p
Ordinary DE Leighton 1963 HB 262p
Ordinary DE Tenenbaum 1963 (Dover 1985) PB 808p
Ordinary DE in the Complex Domain Hille 1976 (Dover p. 2015 PB 484+15p
PDEs Asmar 2005 2nd HB 690 + 112p
PDEs Analytical and Numerical Methods Gockenbach (SIAM) 2002 HB 614p
PDEs Duchateau 1986 Schaum's Outline PDE PB 241p
PDEs Duff 1956 (print 1967) Math Expositions 9 HB 248p
PDEs Evans 1998 AMS Grad. Studies in Math HB 662p
PDEs in Engineering Problems Miller 1953 (second print 1959) HB 254p
PDEs in Mechanics I Selvadurai 2000 HB 595p
PDEs of Mathematical Physics Bateman 1932 1st ed. HB 522p
PDEs of Mathematical Physics V.1 Tychonov 1964 (print 1970) HB pp 1-380
PDEs of Mathematical Physics V.2 Tychonov 1967 (I also have Dover; see Tikhonov below) HB pp 381-621
(2)PDEs of Parabolic Type Friedman 1964 HB 347p
(2)PDEs of Parabolic Type Friedman 1964 (Dover Print 2008) PB 347p
PDE for Scientists and Enginers Farlow 1982 (Dover 1993) PB 414p
Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Math Vol. XVII: Applic. of Nonlinear PDEs in Math Physics AMS 1965 HB 234p
Qualitative Theory of ODEs Brauer 1969 HB 314p
Qualitative Theory of DEs Nemytskii 1960 Princeton Math. Series HB 523p
A Short Course in DE Rainville 1969 (Print 1970) HB 281p
A Short Course in DE Rainville 1974 5th HB 320p
Solution of DEs by Polynomial Approximation Villadsen 1978 HB 446p
Solution Techniques for Elementary PDE Constanda PB 247p
Theory and Problems of DE Schaum's Outline 1952 (original cover) PB 296p
Theory and Solution of ODEs Greenspan 1960 HB 148p
Treatise on DE Ottley 1832 (re-bound) 170p
Treatise on ODE and PDE W.W. Johnson 1889 HB 368p
A Treatise on DE Forsyth 1903 3rd HB 511p
Mechanical, Chemical Engineering, Kinematics, and Eng. Math
Absorption and Extraction (Chem. Eng Series) Sherwood 1937 HB 278p
Absorption and Extraction (Chem. Eng Series) Sherwood/Pigford 1952 2nd HB 478p
Adsorption (Chem Eng Series) Mantell 1951 2nd HB 634p
Advanced Dynamics Timoshenko 1948 HB 400p
Advanced Eng Mathematics Kreysig 1962 (4th print 1964) HB 856p
Advanced Eng Mathematics Kreysig 1967 2nd HB 897p
Advanced Eng Mathematics Kreysig 1999 8th HB 1156 + 107p
Advanced Eng Mathematics O'Neil 2003 5th HB 1236+92p ***
Student Solutions Manual to Accompany O'Neil's Adv. Eng. Math. 5th Martens 2003 PB 315p ***
Advanced Eng Mathematics Wylie 1960 2nd HB 696p
Adv Math for Engineers Reddick 1947 (2nd print 1949) HB 508p
Adv Math for Engineers and Scientists Duchateau 1992 (Dover print 2011) PB 391p
Adv Math for Physicists and Engineers Bronwell 1953 HB 475p
Advanced Structural Analysis Borg 1959 HB 368p
Advances in Applied Mechanics V. 30 Hutchinson (Ed.) 1994 Acad. Press HB 460p
Analysis and Design of Dynamic Systems Cochin 1997 3rd HB 666p
Analytical Mechanics Fowles 1962 (print 1964) HB 278p
Applications of Undergrad. Math. in Engineering Noble 1967 (MAA) HB 364p
Applied Elasticity Wang 1953 HB 357p
Applied Math. for Eng. and Physicists Pipes 1970 3rd HB 1015p
Appl Math in Chem Eng (Chem eng series) Mickley 1957 2nd HB 413p
Appl Math in Chem Eng (Chem eng series) Sherwood 1939 HB 403p
Applied Mechanics Girvin 1938 HB 336p
Appl Mechanics Statics Housner/Hudson 1949 1st (7th print 1958) HB 220p
Appl Mech Dynamics Housner/Hudson 2nd 1959 HB 392p
Applied Optimal Control Bryson 1969 HB 481p
Appl Strength of Materials Jensen 2nd 1967 HB 372p
Automatic Assembly Boothroyd 1982 HB 378p
Automatic Control Systems Kuo 1967 2nd HB 523p
Basic Equations of Eng. Science Hughes 1961 (Schaum's Outline) PB 163p
Basic Instrumentation in Industrial Measurement O'Higgins 1966 HB 495p
Biological and Bioenvironmental Heat and Mass Transfer Datta 2002 HB 383p
Biomechanics Fung 1993 2nd HB 568p
Celestial Mechanics Part 2 Sternberg 1969 Math. Lecture Notes Series PB 304p
Chaotic Vibrations: An Intro. for ... Moon 1987 HB 309p
Chem Eng Economics (Chem Eng Series) Tyler 1948 3rd 321p
Chem Engineers Handbook Perry 1963 4th HB greater than 1000p
Chem Eng Thermodynam. (Chem Eng Series) Dodge 1944 HB 680p
Chem Eng Kinetics (Chem Eng Series) Smith 1981 3rd HB 676p
Chem Process Industries (Chem Eng Series) Shreve 1945 HB 957p
Chem Eng Plant Design (Chem Eng Series) Vilbrandt 1934 HB 341p ***
Chem Eng Plant Design ( Chem Eng Series) Vilbrandt 1949 3rd HB 608 ***p
Chem Eng. Thermodynamics (Chem Eng Series) Smith 1975 3rd HB 632p
Chem Eng Thermodyn Balhiser 1972 HB 696p
Chem Eng Process Control Stephanopolous 1984 HB 696p
Chem Kinetics and Transport Jordan 1979 (3rd. print 1981) HB 368p
Civil Engineering Reference Manual Lindeburg 1986 4th HB approx. 625p
Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems Marion 1995 4th HB 638p
Classical Mechanics Chow 1995 HB 547p
Classical Mechanics Goldstein 1950 (print 1965) HB 399p
Classical Mechanics Kibble 2004 5th ed print 2011 PB 478p
Classical Mechanics and Control Burghes 1975 PB 320p
Composition and Properties of Concrete Troxell (M-Hill Civil Eng Series) 1968 2nd HB 592p
Computational Flexible Multibody Dynamics Simeon 2013 (Diffrerntial-Algebraic Equations Forum) PB 249p
Contemporary Concrete Structures Komendant 1972 HB 670p
Control System Design Friedland 1986 HB 513p
Control Systems Engineering Goode 1957 McGraw-Hill Series HB 551p
Continuum Mechanics Mase 1970 Schaum's Outline PB 221p
Convection Heat Transfer Bejan 1995 2nd HB 623p
CRC Handbook of Thermal Engineering Kreith 2000 CRC Press HB 1070p Approx.
Cyclopedia of Eng Derr 1910 7th Leather 7 volumes in one book total 317p
Design of Dams Hanna 1938 2nd HB 478p
Design of Equilibrium Stage Processes (Chem Eng Series) Smith 1963 HB 647p
Design of Machine Elements Spotts 1953/1955 2nd HB 504p
Design of Machine Members Doughtie 1964 4th HB 520p
Design of Space Powerplants Mackay 1963 Prentice-Hall Space Tech Series HB 332p ($$$ One of 3 in series)
Navigation and Guidance in Space Stearns 1963 Prentice Hall Space Tech Series HB 341p ($$$ One of 3 in series)
Space Mechanics Nelson 1962 Prentice Hall Space Tech Series HB 245p ($$$ One of 3 in series)
Design of Steel Structures Gaylord 1972 2nd HB 663p
Diffusion in Solids Shewmon 1963 (Materials Science and Eng. Series) HB 203p
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems June 2004 Vol. 10, #4 PB PP.837-991
Dynamic Analysis of Machines Shigley 1961 (M-Hill Series in Mech. Eng.) HB 645p
Dynamic Modeling and Control of Eng Systems Shearer 1990 HB 370p
Dynamical Analogies Olson 1943 (print July 1944) HB 196p
Geometric Theory of Dynamic Systems Palis 1982 (Springer) HB 198p
Dynamics of Particles Webster 1922 2nd ed. reprint HB 588p
Dynamics of Physical Systems Cannon 1967 HB 904p
Dynamics of Physical Systems Cannon 1967 (Dover2003) PB 905p
Dynamics Pestel/Thomson 1968 HB 432p
Dynamics of Machinery (McGraw Series) Hartman 1956 1st HB 283p
Elasticity Chou 1967 (University Series in Basic Engineering) HB 290p
Elasticity Theory and Applications Saada 1974 (print 1987) HB 643p
Electric Elevators Annett 1935 2nd HB 945p
Elementary Structural Analysis and Design Grinter 1965 (print 1966) HB 465p
Elementary Structures for Architects and Builders Shaeffer 2002 4th HB 498p
Elements of Astromechanics van de Kamp 1964 PB 140p
Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering Fogler 2nd HB 838p
Elements of Eng Thermodyn Moyer 6th 1941 HB 217p
Elements of Dynamic Part 1 Kinematics Clifford 1878 HB 221p
Elements of Analytical Mechanics Wood 1905 7th HB 472p
Elements of Heat Transfer Jakob/Hawkins 1957 3rd (4th print 1961) HB 317p
Elements of Materials Science and Engineering Van Vlack 1989 6th HB 598p
Elements of Mechanism Schwamb 1938 5th (print 1946) HB 400p
Elementary Treatise on Mechanics ... Smith 1874 (w/ Lecture Notes 1876) HB 307p
An Elementary Treatise on Theoretical Mechanics Jeans 1907 (Dover print 1967) PB 364p
Elementary Wave Mechanics Heitler 1948 (1945 ed. ) Hb 136p
Engineering Analysis Crandall 1956 (Eng. Socities Monographs) HB 417p
Engineering Analysis Wen-Hsiung Li 1960 (P-Hall Eng. Sci. Series) HB 362p
Engineering Fundamentals Newnan 1970 HB 590p
Engineering in the Ancient World Landels 1978 HB 224p
Eng. Mechanics Higdon/Stiles 1949 (2nd print 1950) HB 503p
Eng Mechanics V2 Higdon/Stiles 4th 1957 HB 583p
Eng Mech. Statics Boresi/Schmidt 1st 2001 HB 683p****
Eng Mech. Dynamics Boresi/Schmidt 1st 2001 HB 772p****
Eng Mech Statics/ Dynam Nelson 1998 5th Schaums Outline PB 520p
Eng Mech. Statics Sandor 1983 HB 992+47p
Eng Mech. Dynamics Bedford/Fowler 4th 2005 HB 622p ****
Eng Mech. Dynamics Study Guide Bedford/Fowler 4th 2005 PB 152p ****
Eng Mech Dynam Meriam 2002 5th HB 702p
Eng Mech. Dynamics Meriam 2007 6th HB 720p***
Eng Mech Statics Meriam 2007 6th HB 509p***
Eng Mech. Statics and Dynamics Pletta 1964 HB 664p
Eng Mech. Dynamics Schaum's Outline Nelson 2011 PB 306p
Eng Mech. Statics Schaums Outline 2011 PB 306p
Eng Mech. Statics and Dynamics Schaum's Outline Nelson 1998 5th PB 520p
Eng Mech Statics and Strength of Materials Snyder 1973 HB 506p
Eng Mech Statics and Dynamics Shames 1960 3rd (4th print 1964) HB 656p
Eng Mech V1 Statics Huang 1967 HB 419p***
Eng Mech V2 Dynamics Huang 1967 HB p 398-860***
Eng Mech Statics Hibbeler 2004 10th HB 637p
Eng Mech Dynam Hibbeler 1995 7th HB 620p
Eng Mech Dynam Hibbeler 1983 3rd 512p ***
Eng Mech Statics and Dynam Hibbeler Solutions Manual 3rd ed. 1983 PB 373p ***
Eng Mech Dynam Hibbeler 2013 13th HB 736p
Eng Mech of Deformable Bodies Byers 1975 3rd HB 504p
Eng Mech Dynam Meriam 2002 5th HB 702p
Eng Materials Marin 1952 (3rd print 1954) HB 491p
Eng Thermodynam Stoever 1951 HB 458p
Engineering Vibrations Jacobsen 1958 M-Hill Series in Mech. Eng. HB 564p
Environmental Systems Engineering Rich 1973 (M-Hill Series in Water Resources ... ) HB 448p
Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics Jackson 1968 (Dover print 2000 PB 241p
Experimental Mechanics R.S. Ball 1st 1871 HB 352p
Experimental Methods for Engineers Holman 1994 6th HB 616p
Fatigue and Fracture of Metals Murray (Ed.) 1952 (symposium MIT) HB 313p
Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems Franklin 1994 3rd HB 778p
Feedback and Control Systems DiStefano 1990 (2nd; Schaum's print 1995) PB 512p
507 Mechanical Movements , Mechanisms, and Devices Brown 2005 (Dover) PB 122p
Fundam of Applied Kinematics Tao 1967 HB 351p
Fundam of Dynamics and Analysis of Motion Crespo da Silva 2016 Dover PB 705p
Fundam of Engineering Thermodynamics Howell 1987 HB 689p
Fundam of Eng Reference Handbook NCEES 2008 8th PB 258p
Fundam of Food Process Engineering Toledo 1980 (2nd print 1981) PB 409p
Fundam of Machine Component Design Juvinall 2000 3rd HB 888p
Fundam of Structural Analysis Leet 2008 3rd HB 792p
Fundam of Temperature, Pressure, and Flow Measurements Benedict 1984 3rd HB 532p
Fundam of Tool Design Reid 1991 3rd HB 755p
General Relativistic Dynamics Cooperstock 2009 HB 232p
Geotechnical Engineering Coduto 1999 HB 759p
Handbook of Eng Fundamentals Eshbach 1952 2nd (10th print 1965) HB more than 1000p
Handbook of Measurement and Control Herceg (Schaevitz) 1976 rev. ed. PB approx 250p
Heat Transfer Chapman 1984 4th HB 608p
Heat Transfer Pitts 1977 (Schaum's Outline) PB 325p
Heat Transmission McAdams 1942 2nd HB 459p
Heat Transmission McAdams 1954 3rd (Chem. Eng. Series) HB 532p (2)
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Condit. Fundamentals Severs 1949 2nd (print 1955) Hb 666p
Helicopter Analysis Nikolsky 1951 HB 340p
Horizontal Drilling Engineering Samuel 2007 HB 427p
ICS Reference Library Graphic, Statics, ... 1908 Intl. Textbook Co. HB 420p approx
Industrial Instruments for Measurement and Control Rhodes 1941 (Chem Eng Series) HB 573p
The Internal Combustion Engine Taylor 1948 (rev. ed.) HB 339p
Internal Combustion Engines and Air Pollution Obert 1973 HB 740p
Intro. to Chem. Eng. Thermodynamics Smith 7th (McGraw-Hill Chem. Eng. Series) HB 817p ****
XXXXX SOLD Intro to Chem Eng Themodynamics Smith 2005 7th (Spec. Indian Ed.) PB 801p ****
Intro. to Chem. Process Control Perlmutter 1965 HB 204p
XXXXX SOLD Intro. to Heat Transfer Incropera/DeWitt 1985 HB 711p
Intro. to Classical Mechanics Arya 1998 2nd HB 712p
Intro. to Dynamics Percival 1982 HB 228p
Intro. to Heat Transfer Incropera 2002 4th HB 892p
Intro. to Mechanics and Heat Frank 1939 2nd HB 384p
Intro. to Mechanics of Continua Prager 1961 (Dover print 1973) PB 230p
Intro. to Mechanics of Solids Crandall 1959 (McGraw-Hill Series) HB 444p
Intro. to Mechanics Levinson 1968 2nd HB 346p
Intro. to the Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems Sayama 2015 HB PB 478p
Intro. to Physical System Dynamics Rosenberg 1983 M-Hill Series in Mech. Eng. HB 429p
Intro. to Statistical Mechanics for Physicists MacDonald 1963 (Dover print 2006) PB 175p
Intro. to Theoretical Mechanics Becker 1954 Int. Series in Pure and Appl. Physics HB 420p
Introductory Soil Mechanics and Foundations Sowers 1961 2nd (print 1968) HB 386p
Intro to Space Dynamics Thomson 2016 (Dover reprint from 1961) PB 317p
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations July 2004 Vol. 16, #3 (Kluwer Academic) PB PP.588-867
Kinematics Patton 1979 1st HB 259p
Limit Analysis of Rotationally Symmetric Plates and Shells Hodge 1963 (P-Hall Internat. Series on Theoretical and Appl. Mechanics) HB 147p
Linear Operator Methods in Chem. Engineering Ramkrishna 1985 HB 471p
Manufacturing Processes for Eng. Materials Kalpakjian 2003 4th HB 954p
Marks Standard Handbook for Mechanical Eng 1987 9th HB greater than 1000p
Mass Transfer Operations Treybal 1955 (Chem Eng Series) HB 666P
Materials and Processes in Manufacturing DeGarmo 1988 7th HB 1172p
Materials Engineering : Science, Process, and Design Ashby 2014 3rd HB 637+55p
Materials Science and Engineering : An Intro. Callister 2000 5th HB 871p
Mathematical Handbook for Sci. and Engineers Korn 19682nd HB 1130p
Mathematical Methods in Physics and Engineering Dettman 1962 (Internat. Series in Pure and Appl. Math.) HB 323p
Mathematics for Applied Engineering Cairns 1967 HB 618p
Mathematics of Physics and Modern Engineering Sokolnikoff 1966 2nd HB 752p
Mechanical Behavior of Materials Dowling 1993 HB 773p
Mechanical Design of Machine Elements and Machines Collins 2003 HB 834p
Mechanical Engineering for Prof. Eng. Exam Constance 1985 4th HB 595p
Mech Eng Handbook Marks 1941 4th HB 2274p
Mechanical Metallurgy Dieter 1976 2nd HB 774p
Mechanical Vibrations Church 1957 HB 275p
Mechanical Vibrations Rao 2004 4th (print 2015) PB 1108p
Mechanics Den Hartog 1948 (Dover 1961) PB 462p
Mechanics Den Hartog 1948 HB 462p
Mechanics Slater and Frank 1947 HB 297p
**Mechanics Symon 1960 2nd HB 557p
**Mechanics Symon 1971 3rd HB 639p
Mech Part 1 Statics Meriam 2nd 1959 (5th print 1962) HB 393p
Mech Part 2 Dynamics Meriam 1952 (4th print 1955) HB 761p
Mech for Engineers Stat and Dynamics Beer 1957 HB 673p
Mech of Elastic Structures Oden 1967 HB 381p
Mech of Engineering Soils Capper 1949 HB 270p
Mech Eng Design (McGraw Series in Mech. Eng.) Shigley 1963 HB 631p
Mech Eng Design (McGraw Series in Mech. Eng.) Shigley 1972 2nd HB 763p
Mechanics of Machinery Ham 1958 4th (M-Hill Series in Mechanical Eng.) HB 509p
Mech of Materials Beer 1981 HB 616p
Mech of Materials Gere 1997 4th + two 1.44 mb. floppies HB 912p
Mech of Materials Levinson 1970 2nd HB 338p
Mech of Materials Popov 1952 (2nd print 1953) HB 441p
Mech of Materials Higdon 1960 (3rd print 1962) Hb 502p
Mech of Materials Higdon 1967 2nd HB 591p
Mechanism Synthesis and Analysis Soni 1974 HB 480p
Mechanisms and Mech Devices Sourcebook Chironis 1991 HB 447p
Micromechanics of Flow in Solids Gilman 1969 HB 294p
Modern Astrodynamics Bond 1996 HB 250p
Modern Control Systems Dorf 1974 2nd HB 413p
Modern Control Systems Dorf 2001 9th HB 831p
Modern Control Systems Dorf 2008 11th HB 1018p
The Modern Mechanic Grier 1857 HB 305p
Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer (Chem. Eng Series) Bennett 1962 HB 697p
Noise and Vibration Control Engineering Beranek (Ed.) 1992 HB 804p
Nonlinear Mechanics : A Supplement to Theoretical Mechanics of Particles and Continua Fetter 2006 (Dover) PB 154p
XXXXX SOLD Nonlinear Mechanics : A Supplement to Theoretical Mechanics of Particles and Continua Fetter 2006 (Dover) PB 154p
Nonlinear Waves, Solitons, and Chaos Infield 1990 PB 423p
Notes on Rankines Applied Mechanics Alden 1877 HB 80p
Numerical Methods for Engineers Chapra 1988 2nd HB 812p ***
Numerical Methods for Engineers Chapra 2002 4th HB 926p ***
Numerical Methods in Engineering Practice Wadi 1986 HB 642p
***Num Methods for Sci. and Engineers Hamming 1973 2nd HB 721p
(2) ***Num Methods for Sci. and Engineers Hamming 1973 2nd (Dover print 1986) PB
Num Methods in Eng Practice Wadi 1986 HB 642p
Operator Approach to Linear Control Systems Cheremensky 1996 HB 396p
Petroleum Refinery Eng (Chem Eng Series) Nelson 1949 3rd HB 830p
Practical Mech for Boys Zerbe 1914 HB 224
Principles of Chem Eng (Chem Eng Series) Walker 1937 HB 749p
Principles of Heat Transfer Kreith 1965 2nd HB 620p
Principles of Heat Transfer Kreith 1973 3rd HB 656p
Principles of Refrigeration Parts 1-3 Baker 1937 HB 162p
Principles of Turbomachinery Shepherd 1956 (I had 2 copies) HB 463p
(One SOLD)
Process Heat Transfer Kern 1950 HB 871p
Process Instruments and Controls Handbook Considine 1974 2nd HB 1356p
Problems and Solutions in Intro Mech Morin 2014 PB 344p
The Seismic Design Handbook Naeim 1989 HB 450p
Separation Processes (Chem Eng Series) King 1980 2nd HB 850p
Standard Handbook for Civil Eng Merritt 1996 4th HB approx 2000p
Standard Handbook of Eng. Calculations Hicks 1985 2nd HB 1464p
State Models of Dynamic Systems McClamroch 1980 Springer HB 248p
State Space Analysis of Control Systems Ogata 1967 (P-Hall EE Series) HB 596p
Statics Meriam 1971 2nd HB 378p
Statics and Strength of Mat. Jensen 1983 4th HB 426p
Statics of Deformable Solids Bisplinghoff 1965 HB 322p
Statics Study Pack Eng Mech Statics Schiavonne/Bedford/Fowler 2005 4th PB 151p
Statics Study Pack Eng Mech Statics Schiavonne/Hibbeler 2004 10th PB 144p (2)
Statically Indeterminate Structures Schermer 1957 HB 264p
Statistical Mechanics Fowler 1936 2nd (print 1966) Cambridge Press HB 864p
Statistical Mech Rushbrooke 1949 1st (2nd Print 1951) HB 334p
Statistical Mech for Thermophysical Prop. Calcs Rowley 1994 HB 489p
Steam, Air, and Gas Power Severns 1939 3rd HB 511p
Steel Buildings Analysis and Design Crawley 1984 3rd HB 673p
Strain Guages : Theory and Application Koch, 1952 HB 95p
Stress, Strain, and Strength Juvinall 1967 ( McGraw-Hill Series in Mech. Eng) HB 580p
Structural Analysis McCormac 1975 3rd HB 597p
Structural Effects of Impact Kornhauser 1964 HB 205p
Structures (or why things don't fall down) Gordon 1978 PB 395p
Student Solutions Manual to Accompany O'Neil's Adv. Eng. Math. (See Above) ***
Substructure Analysis and Design Andersen 1956 2nd HB 336p
Surveying Practice Kissam 1966 HB 460p
System Dynamics Ogata 1978 HB 596p
System Dynamics Palm 2014 3rd HB 913p
System Dynamics : A Unified Approach Karnopp HB 402p
Theoretical Mechanics Bradbury 1968 (Wiley) HB 641p
Theoretical Mechanics an Intro. to Mathematical Physics Ames 1929 (Dover Print 1963) PB 462p
Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements Figlila 2004 3rd PB 536p
Theory of Elasticity Timoshenko 1951 2nd Eng. Societies Monographs HB 506p
Theory of Elastic Stability Timoshenko 1961 2nd Eng. Societies Monographs HB 541p
Theory of Flow and Fracture of Solids Nadai 1950 VI Eng. Socities Monographs HB 572p
Theory of Mech Refrigeration Sparks 1938 HB 225p
Theory of Plates and Shells Timoshenko 1959 2nd (Eng. Societies Monographs) HB 580p
Theory of Vibration with Applications Thomson 1998 5th HB 524p
Thermal Stresses Gatewood 1957 (McGraw-Hill Pub. in Aeronautical Science) HB 232p
Thin Elastic Shells Kraus 1967 HB 476p
Traffic and Highway Eng. Garber 2002 3rd HB 1150p
Transport Modeling for Environmental Engineers and Scientists Clark 1996 HB 559p
Transport Phenomena Bird 1960 HB 780p
Transport Processes and Unit Operations Geankoplis 1983 2nd HB 862p
Ultrasonic Testing of Materials Krautkramer 1983 3rd HB 667p
Ultrasonic Transducers for Nondestructive Testing Silk 1984 HB 162p
Unit Operations of Chem Eng (Chem Eng Series) McCabe 1956 HB 945p
The Variational Principles of Mechanics Lanczos 1970 4th PB 418p
Vector Mech for Engineers : Statics Beer 2010 9th HB 623p
Vector Mech for Engineers : Dynamics Beer 2103 10th HB 1315+76p
Vibration Analysis Vierck 2nd 1979 HB 511p
Vibrations and Waves French 1971 PB 316p
Water Transmission and Distribution AWW 2003 3rd (Amer. Water Works Assoc.) HB 553p
Wave Motion in Elastic Solids Graff 1975 (Dover Print 1991) PB 649p
Fluid Mechanics, Fluid Dynamics, Thermodynamics Books
Applied Groundwater Modeling ... Anderson 1992 HB 381p
Applied Hydro and Aero Mechanics Prandtl 1934 HB 311p
Applied Hydrogeology Fetter 1988 2nd HB 592p
Applied Thermodynamics Faires 1938 (4th print 1941) HB 374p (prop. of Givens)
Basic Thermodynamics Carrington 1994 (print 1995) PB 385p
Boundary Layer Theory Schlicting 1999 8th PB 799p
Cameron Hydraulic Data Shaw (Ed.) 1958 12th (Ingersoll-Rand Co.) HB 263p
Computational Fluid Dynamics with Moving Boundaries Shyy 1996 (Dover print 2007) PB 285p
Computational Techniques in Fluid Dynamics V.1 Fletcher 1991 (print 1997) 2nd PB 401p***
Computational Techniques in Fluid Dynamics V.2 Fletcher 1991 (print 1997) 2nd PB 493p***
Davis' Handbook of Applied Hydraulics Zipparro (Ed.) 1993 4th HB approx. 1000p
Diffusion Mass Transfer in Fluid Systems Cussler 1984 (print 1992) PB 525p
Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow Shapiro 1958 (Parts 1 and 2 from Vol. 1) HB 293p***
Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow Vol. 2 Shapiro 1954 HB PP 651-1185***
Computational Methods for Fluid Flow Pryret 1983 (Springer Series) HB 358p
Computer-Assisted Floodplain Hydrology and Hydraulics Hoggan 1989 HB 518p
XXXXX SOLD (2) Elementary Fluid Mechanics Vennard 1947 2nd HB 339p ****
(1) Elementary Fluid Mechanics Vennard 1940 (print 1946) HB 351p ****
Elements of Engineering Thermodynamics Moyer 6th 1941 HB 217p
Encyclopedia of Fluid Mechanics V2 Dynamics of Single Fluid ... Cheremisinoff (Ed.) 1986 HB 1505p %%%%
Encyclopedia of Fluid Mechanics V6 Complex Flow Phenomena ... Cheremisinoff (Ed.) 1987 HB 1503p %%%%
Eng. Thermodyn. Stoever 1951 HB 458p
Elementary Mechanics of Fluids Rouse 1946 (Dover Print 1978) PB 365p
Elements of Fluid Mech. Shepherd 1965 HB 498p
Essentials of Fluid Dynamics Prandtl 1952 3rd translation (print 1953) HB 452p
Ferrohydrodynamics Rosensweig 1985 (Dover print 1997) PB 344p
A First Course in Fluid Dynamics Paterson 1983 PB 528p
Flight Theory and Aerodynamics ... Dole 1981 HB 299p
Flow Handbook Endress/Hauser 2004 2nd Flowtec HB 456p
Fluid Dynamics Hughes 1999 3rd (Schaum's Outline) PB 386p
Fluid Dynamics Streeter 1948 (M-Hill Pub. in Aeronautical Sci) HB 263p
Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer Knudsen 1958 M-Hill Chem. Eng. Series HB 576p
Fluid Dynamics for Physicists Faber 1995 Cambridge Press PB 439p
Fluid Flow A First Course in Fluid Mech. Sabersky 1964 (5th print 1969) HB 393p ***
Fluid Flow A First Course in Fluid Mech. Sabersky 1989 3rd HB 537p ***
Fluid Mech. Cengel 2010 2nd (includes CD) HB 994p
Fluid Mech. Binder 1943 (P-Hall Eng. Series) HB 307p
Fluid Mech. Cox 1941 6th print HB 274p
Fluid Mech. Daugherty 5th 1954 HB 472p
Fluid Mech. Granger 1985 (Dover print 1995) PB 896p
Fluid Mech. Richardson 1989 HB 314p
Fluid Mech. White 1986 2nd HB 732p
Fluid Mech. White 2008 6th (with CD) HB 864p
Fluid Mech. and Hydraulics Giles 2014 4th (Schaum) PB 362p
Fluid Mech. with Engineering Applications Daugherty 1985 8th HB 598p
Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids Currie 1974 HB 441p
Fundamentals of Aerodynamic Heating Truitt 1960 HB 257p
Fundamentals of Astrodynamics Bate 1971 (Dover Print 2018) PB 455p
Fundamentals of Fluid Mech Munson 1998 3rd HB 843p ****
Fundamentals of Fluid Mech Munson 2013 7th HB 747+16p
Fundamentals of Fluid Mech Student Solutions Manual Munson 1998 3rd PB approx 200p ****
Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics Munson 2006 5th HB 769+19p %%%
Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics Munson Student Solution Manual 2005 5th PB approx 300p %%%
Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics Van Wylen 1973 2nd HB 742p
Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics Van Wylen 1985 3rd HB 722p
Fundamentals of Thermal Fluid Sciences Cengel 2008 3rd (+ CD) HB 1092p
Groundwater Science Fitts 2002 HB 450p
Groundwater and Wells Driscoll 1986 2nd HB 1089p
Handbook of Applied Hydraulics Davis (Ed.) 1942 HB 1084p
Handbook of Applied Hydraulics Davis 1952 2nd HB 1272p
Home Water and Moisture Problems Branson 2003 PB 143p
Hydraulic Engineering Houghton Research Staff 1926 HB 310p
Hydraulic Tables Williams 1933 3rd HB 115p
Hydraulics Daugherty 1937 4th HB 460p
Hydraulics King 1948 5th HB 351p
Hydraulics Schoder 1927 HB 371p
Hydraulics of Groundwater Bear 1979 (M-Hill Series in Water Resources) HB 569p
Hydrodynamics Lamb 6th (Dover Print 1945) Hb 738p
Hydrology for Engineers Linsley 1958 (McGraw-Hill Civil Eng Series) HB 340p
Hydrostatics and Pneumatic Pinkerton 1893 HB 344p
Incompressible Flow Panton 2005 3rd PB 821p
An Intro to Fluid Dynamics Batchelor 1967 (reprint 1981) PB 615p
Intro. to Fluid Mechanics Fox 1992 4th HB 829p
Intro. to Mathematical Fluid Dynamics Meyer 1971 (Dover print 1982) PB 185p
ICS Reference Library Water Supply, Purification ... 1908 Intl. Textbook Co. HB 481p approx
Low Dams Water Resouces Committee 1938 (print 1939) HB 431p
Mechanics of Fluids Ireland 1971 PB 481p
Mechanics of Fluids Shames 1962 HB 558p
The Mechanics of Turbulence 1964 CRNS (Gordon and Breach Science) HB 460p ****
(2)Mechanique de la Turbulence 1962 CRNS (Paris) HB 470p****
Modern Developments in Fluid Dynamics Vol. 1 Oxford Press 1938 HB Pages 330
Modern Developments in Fluid Dynamics Vol. 2 Oxford Press 1938 HB Pages 331-702
Modern Developments in Fluid Dynamics High Speed Flow Vol. 1 1953 HB 475p
Modern Fluid Dynamics V.1 Incompressible Flow Curle 1968 PB 290p
Oil Hydraulic Power and Its Industrial Applic. Ernst 1949 HB 366p
Open Channel Flow Henderson 1966 HB 522p
Open Channel Hydraulics Chow 1959 (M-Hill) HB 680p
Perturbation Methods in Fluid Mechanics Van Dyke 1975 HB 271p
The Physics of Blown Sand and Desert Dunes Bagnold 2005 (Dover 1954) PB 265p
Principles of Thermodynamics Goodenough 1922 3rd HB 353p
Progress in Aeronautical Sciences V.2 Ferri (Ed.) 1962 HB 289p
Rarefied Gas Dynamics : Theoretical and Comp. Techniques V. 118 Muntz 1989 HB 615p***
Rarefied Gas Dynamics : Physical Phenomena V. 117 Muntz 1989 HB 522p***
Rotating Fluids in Engineering and Science Vanyo 1993 (Dover print 2001) PB 429p
Shape and Flow Fluid Dynamics of Drag Shapiro 1961 (Science Study Series) PB 186p
Shock Waves at Marseille 1 Brun and Dumitrescu 1995 HB 485p
The Stability of Rotating Liquid Masses Lytleton 1953 HB 150p
Stochastic Tools in Turbulence Lumley 1970 (print 1972) Appl. Math and Mechanics 12 HB 194p
A Student's Guide to the Navier-Stokes Equations Garvin 2023 PB 224p
Supersonic Flow and Shock Waves Courant 1985 (orig. 1948) Appl. Math Sciences #21 HB 431p
Theoretical Aerodynamics Milne-Thompson 1958 (Dover Print 1973) PB 430p
The Theory of Rotating Fluids Greenspan 1968 (Cambridge Monogaphs in Appl. Math) HB 327p
Thermodynamics and It's Applications Tester 1977 3rd HB 936+6p
Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach Cengel 1994 2nd + 3.5" Disk HB 987p
Thermodynamics for Dummies Pauken 2011 PB 366p
Thermodynamics Holman 1980 3rd HB 770p
Thermodynamics Partington 1950 4th HB 263p
Thermodynamics Wark 1988 5th HB 954p
Thermodynamics Van Wylen 1959 (8th print 1966) HB 601p
Thermodynamics : Principles and Applications Andrews 1971 HB 288p
The Thermodyn Prop of Steam Keenan 1936 (18th print 1948) HB 89p
The Thermodyn Prop of Steam Keenan 1936 (26th print 1954) HB 89p
A Treatise on Hydroststics and Pneumatics Lardner 1834 HB 273p
Text-book on Hydraulics Russell 1936 4th HB 447p
Treatise on Thermodynam Planck 1990 (Dover from 1922) PB 297p
Turbulence Hinze 1959 M-Hill Series in Mech. Engineering HB 585p
Turbulence: Classic Papers on Statistical Theory Friedlander (Ed.) 1961 HB 187p
Viscous Fluid Flow White 1991 2nd (M-Hill Series in Mech. Eng.) HB 614p
Water Measurement Manual U.S. Dept. of Interior 1984 (2nd Edition 1967) HB 327p
Water Waves Stoker 1957 (Interscience Pure and Appl. Math Vol. 4) HB 567p
Waterhammer Analysis Parmakian 1955 (Dover print 1963) PB 159p
Physics Books, Nuclear Eng.
(for Acoustics, see Acoustics Books)
(for Relativity, see Quantum Physics books)
Applied Nuclear Physics Pollard 1942 (5th printing 1945) HB 249p
Applied Physics (Schaums Outline) Beiser 200 4th PB 465p
Adv University Physics Palmer 1996 PB 876 p
Atomic and Nuclear Physics Shankland 1955 HB 529p
Atoms and the Universe Jones 1956 HB 254p
XXXXX SOLD(2)Basic Theories of Physics (Mechanics and Electrodyn.) Bergmann 1949 HB 280p *****
Basic Theories of Physics (Mechanics and Electrodyn.) Bergmann 1949 HB 280p *****
The Black Hole War Susskind 2008 PB 470p
Boundary and Eigenvalue Problems in Mathematical Physics Sagan 1961 HB 381p
Boundary Value Problems of Mathematical Physics Vol. 2 Stakgold 1968 MacMillan Series in Advanced Math. and Theoretical Physics HB 408p
Classical Field Theory Thirring 1979 (Springer-Verlag Course in Math. Physics #2) HB 249p
College Manual of Optics Taylor 1924 PB 236p
Concepts and Methods of Theoretical Physics Lindsay 1951 HB 515p
Cracking the AP Physics C Exam 2018 ed. (Princeton rev) PB 655p
Elementary Modern Physics Weidner 1960 (3rd print 1961) HB 513p
Elements of Atomic Physics Peaslee 1955 (print 1961) HB 394p
Elements of Physics Carhart 1895 HB 382p
Encyc of Physics Lerner 1981 HB 1157p
Equations of Mathematical Physics Tikhonov or Tychonoff or Tychonov 1963 (Dover print after 1980) (See Tychonov above) PB 765p
Experimental Nuclear Physics Segre (Ed.) Vol. 1 1953 HB 789p
Feynman Lectures on Computation Feynman (Editor Hey) 1996 HB 303p
The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol. 1 Feynman 1963 (print 1975) PB approx 500p
The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol. 2 Feynman 1964 (4th print 1966) PB approx. 440p
The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol. 3 Feynman 1965 ( print 1966) PB approx. 265p
Feynman's Tips on Physics Carl Feynman 2013 HB 182p
Fine Particles in Gaseous Media Hesketh 1977 HB 204p
A First course in Physics Millikan 1913 (rev. Ed.) HB 442p
Formulas and Theorems for the Special Functions of Mathematical Physics Magnus 1949 HB 172p
Foundations of Mod Physics Tipler 1969 HB 527p
Foundations of Modern Physics Brown 1949 2nd HB 391p
From Falling Bodies to Radio Waves Segre 1984 PB 298P
From X-Rays to Quarks Segre 1980 PB 337p
The Functions of Mathematical Physics Hochstadt 1971 (Pure and Appl. Math. a Series of Texts and Monographs V.23) HB 322p
Fundamentals of Optics and Modern Physics Young 1968 HB 510p
Fundam of Physics Halliday/Resnick 1988 3rd HB 1009p
Fundam of Physics Halliday/Resnick 2001 Parts 1-4 6th ed. PB x 4 952p****
Fundam of Physics Halliday/Resnick 2001 Problem Supp PB 285p****
Fundam of Physics Volume 1 Halliday/Resnick 2005 7th HB pp 1-560 +40 p ***
Fundam of Physics Volume 2 Halliday/Resnick 2005 7th HB PP 561-1248 + 46p ***
Fundam of Physics 1: Mechanics, Relativity, and Thermodynamics Shankar 2014 PB 446p
Fundam of Physics 2: Electromag., Optics, Quantum Shankar 2016 PB 592p
The Future of Theoretical Physics and Cosmology Gibbons (Ed.) 2003 HB 879p
Gravitation and Spacetime Ohanian 1994 2nd HB 679p
Great Breakthroughs in Physics ... Snedden 2020 HB 192p
Hot Molecules, Cold Electrons ... Nahin 2020 HB 212p
The Illustrated Wavelet Transform Handbook Addison 2017 HB 446p
Intro. to Atomic and Nuclear Physics Rusk 1958 HB 482p
Intro to Modern Theoretical Physics V.1 Harris 1975 HB pp 1-383 ***
Intro to Modern Theoretical Physics V.2 Harris 1975 HB pp 387-780 ***
Intro. to Nuclear Engineering Murray 1961 2nd HB 384p
Intro. to Stellar Astrophysics V.2 Stellar Atmospherics Bohm-Vitense 1989 (print 1993) PB 249p
Intro. to Stellar Astrophysics V.3 Stellar Structure and Evolution Bohm-Vitense 1992(print 1997) PB 285p
Intro. to Theoretical Physics Page 1928 (3rd print August, 1930) HB 587p
Intro. to the Theory of Newtonian Attraction Ramsey 1959 HB 184p
Investigations of the Theory of Brownian Movement Einstein 1926 (Dover print 1956) PB 119p
The Key to the Universe Calder 1977 PB 199p
A Laboratory Course in Physics Millikan 1906 HB 134p
Lectures in Theoretical Physics Vol. XIVB Brittin (Ed.) 1973 Math. Methods in Theor. Physics HB 568p
Madame Curie A Biography Eve Curie 1939 HB 412p
Mathematical Methods for Physicists Arfken 1970 2nd HB 815p
Mathematical Methods of Physics Mathews 1964 (print 1965) HB 475p
The Mathematics of Physics and Chemistry V.1 Margenau 1956 2nd (print 1967)HB 604p
Methods of Mathematical Physics Vol. 1 Courant & Hilbert 1953 (print 1961) HB 561p***
Methods of Mathematical Physics Vol. 2 Courant & Hilbert 1962 HB 830p***
Methods of Theoretical Physics Part 1 Morse 1953 PP 1-997 &&&&&&
Methods of Theoretical Physics Part 2 Morse 1953 PP 998-1978 &&&&&&
Modern College Physics White 1962 4th HB 755p
Modern Optics Fowles 1975 2nd (Dover) PB 328p
Modern Physics Tipler/Llewellyn 2004 4th 669+62p
Modern Physics Tipler 2004 4th HB 669+39p
Modern Physics for Scientisis and Engineers Thornton 2002 2nd HB 556+57p
Molecular Collision Theory Child 1974 (Dover 1996) PB 300p
Molecular Vibrations Wilson 1955 HB 338p
More Surprises in Theoretical Physics Peierls 1991 (Princeton Series in Physics) PB 103p See #### below
Near Zero The Physics of Low Temp. MacDonald 1961 (Science study series) PB 116p
The New Physics Davies (editor) 1989 (print 1996) PB 516p
Observational Astrophysics Smith 1995 (Cambridge Press) PB 443p
Optical Physics Lipson 1969 HB 494p
Optics Hecht 1975 print 2010 (Schaum's) PB 242p
Optics of the Electromagnetic Spectrum Andrews 1960 HB 501p
An Outline of Atomic Physics Blackwood 1955 3rd HB 501p
The Pendulum: A Case Study in Physics Baker 2005 (print 2006) HB 288p
The Physics of Golf Jorgenson 1994 PB 155p
Physics at Surfaces Zangwill 1988 HB 454p
The Physics of Everyday Phenomena Walker (Sci. American) 9th ed. 1979 PB 86p
Physics Killen 1928 (Oxford Review Series) PB 278p
Physics of Continuous Matter Latrup 2005 PB 608p
The Physics of Living Systems Cleri 2016 Springer HB 620p
Physics for Engineering and Science Wells 1983 Schaum's Outline PB 359p
Physics for Scientists and Engineers V1 Giancoli 2000 3rd HB 544+32p
Physics for Scientists and Engineers V2 Giancoli 2000 3rd HB pp545-1172+58p
Physics for Scientists and Engineers Serway 1982 HB 883+36p
Physics Hausmann 1939 2nd (22th print 1946) HB 756p
Physics The Pioneer Science Taylor 1941 HB 847p
Physics Tipler 1946 HB 1026p
Physics Part 1 Resnick/Halliday 1966 (2nd print 1968) HB 1 to 646+63p
Physics Part 2 Resnick/Halliday 1966 2nd ed HB P 647 to 1214+81p
Physics of the Atom Wehr 1960 HB 420p
Physics of Waves Elmore 1969 (Dover) (printed 1985) PB 477p
Popular Physics Steele 1888 (Popular Series) HB 380p
Practical Physics White 1943 HB 365p
Princeton Guide to Advanced Physics Tribble 1996 PB 397p
Principles of Modern Physics French 1958 (print 1959) HB 355p
Principles of Modern Physics Leighton 1959 HB 795p
Principles of Physical Cosmology Peebles 1993 Princeton Series in Physics HB 718p
Pyrometry Wood 1941 2nd HB 263p
QED The Strange Theory of Light and Matter Feynman 1985 PB 158p
Relativistic Wave Mechanics Corinaldesi (edited by Strocchi) 1963 (Dover print 2015) PB 310p
The Road to Reality Penrose 2004 PB 1099p
The Scientific Papers of James Clerk Maxwell Niven(ed.) 1965 Dover HB 806p
Six Easy Pieces Feynman 1995 PB 144p
Smart Physics: Electricity and Magnetism Stelzer 2012 PB 369p
The Special Theory of Relativity Aharoni 1965 2nd (print 1985; Dover)PB 327p
A Student's Guide to the Schrodinger Equation Fleisch 2020 PB 223p
Supernovae and Nucleosynthesis Arnett 1996 PB 598p
Surface Modification Technologies Sudarshan 1989 HB 619p
Surprises in Theoretical Physics Peierls 1979 (princeton Series in Physics) PB 166p See #### Above
A System of Natural Philosophy Comstock 1835 28th HB 295p
Telescope Optics Evaluation and Design Rutten 1988 HB 374p
Theoretical Physics Joos 1958 (Dover print 1986) 3rd PB 885p
Theoretical Physics Joos 1958 3rd HB 885p
Theoretical Physics Blass 1962 (ACC Physics Series) HB 451p
The Theoretical Minimum Susskind 2013 (print 2014) PB 238p
The Theory of Electrons Rosenfeld 1951 (Dover Print 1965) PB 119p
Thermal Physics Kittel 1980 2nd HB 473p
The Thermodynamic Universe Sidharth 2008 HB 293p
The Unified Theory of Physics Brown 2020 HB 173p
University Physics Part 1 Sears 1963 3rd HB 548p
University Physics Part 2 Sears 1964 3rd HB p529-1020
X-Ray Microscopy III Michette ... (eds.) 1992 (Springer Series Optical Science) HB 491p
Wells Natural Philosophy Wells 1860 HB 452p
Chemistry Books, including Crystals, (For Chem.
Engineering, see Engineering)
The Art and Science of Growing Crystals Gilman 1963
Barron's AP Chemistry Jesperson 2016 8th PB 751p
Chemistry of New Materials Newton 2007 (Facts on File Science Library) HB 212p
Chemistry of the Elements Greenwood 1984 (reprint 1985) PB 1524p (In a Box)
Chemical Applications of Group Theory Cotton 1990 3rd HB 461p
College Chemistry Nebergall 1957 HB 788p
CRC Handbook of Chem. and Physics 2008 89th ed. Lide editor HB > 1000p
Crystals and Crystal Growing Singer/Holden 1960 PB 320p
A Demo A Day Vol. 2 Another Year of Chemical Demos Bilash 1998 Spiral Bound 300p
DOWEX :: Ion Exchange Dow Chem. Co. 1959 HB 77p
Elementary Quantitative Analysis Blaedel 1963 2nd HB 964p
Elements of Agricultural Chemistry H. Davy 1821 HB 304+ 92p
Experimental Physical Chemistry Daniels 1949 4th (Internat. Chem. Series) HB 568p
Experiments with Crystals and Light Wood 1964 (Bell System #4) PB 109p
Experiments in Organic Chem. Part 2 Fieser 1941 2nd ed. HB pgs 291-482
Exploring Chemical Analysis Harris 2001 2nd HB 607p
The Formula Manual Stark 1974 PB 142p
Fundamentals of Organic Chem. Solomons 1997 4th HB 1068+71p
General Chemistry Atkins 1989 HB 989p
General Chemistry Pauling 1970 (Dover 1988) PB 959p
International Tables for Crystallography Vol. A Hahn 1993 PB 152p
Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis Ewing 1969 3rd HB 627p
Intro. to Computational Chemistry Jensen 1999 (Wiley) PB 429p
Intro. to Crystal Growth Bhat 2015 PB 328p
Intro to Ligand Fields Figgis 1966 (2nd print 1967) HB 351p
Kirk's Fire Investigation DeHaan 2007 6th HB 762p
Ligand Field Theory Ballhausen 1962 (with cover) HB 298p
Macroscale and Microscale Organic Experiments Williamson 1989 HB 716p
Mad Science Gray 2009 HB 239p
Organic Chem Allinger 1976 2nd HB 1024p
Organic Chem Bruice 2014 7th HB 1293+52p
Organic Chem Carey 2008 7th HB 1229+48p ****
Organic Chem Carey/Atkins 2008 7th Student Solutions Manual PB ****
Organic Chemistry Morrison 1966 2nd (2nd print 1969) HB 1203p
Organic Chemistry Remsen 1889 HB 364p
Organic Chemistry Solomons/Fryhle 2004 8th PB 1255 + 53p
Organic Chemistry Wade 2006 6th HB 1262+21p
Organic Chem Demystified Bloch 2006 PB 551p
Organic Chem Short Course Hart 1983 6th HB 443p
Physical Chemistry Atkins 1998 6th (print 2000) includes CD HB 999p ****
Solutions manual for Physical Chemistry Atkins 1999 6th (print 2001) PB 429p ****
Physical Chem Atkins 1978 HB 1022p
Physical Chem Thermodynamics, Structure, and Change Atkins 2014 10th HB 1008p
Physical Methods for Chemists Drago 1992 2nd HB 750p
The Physical Basis of Chemistry Warren 1994 PB 167p
Physical Chemistry Atkins 1998 6th (printed 2000) HB 999p ***
Solutions Manual for Physical Chemistry Atkins 1999 6th (printed 2001) PB 429p ***
Physical Chemistry Barrow 1966 2nd HB 843p
Physical Chemistry Moore 1962 HB 844p
Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy Engel 2013 3rd PB 507p
Quantum Chemistry Eyring 1944 HB 394p
Quantitative Analytical Chem Fritz 1966 HB 516p
The Structure of Molecules Barrow PB 153p
The Unusual Properties of Liquid Helium Rudnick 1977 PB 26p
Textbook of Organic Chem Schmidt 1950 6th HB 947p
University Chemistry Bailar 1965 (print 1966) HB 708p
Electronics Books
Alternating Current Analysis Seippel PB 127p
Alternating Current Machines Puchstein 1942 2nd (print 1951) HB 655p
Arduino LED Projects Davis 2013 PB 87p
Arduino LCD Projects Davis 2103 PB 89p
Arduino Workshop Boxall 2013 PB 370p
Arduino Project Handbook Geddes 2106 PB 246p
Arduino Cookbook Margolis 2012 2nd (O'Reilly) PB 699p
Arduino Cookbook Margolis 2020 3rd (O'Reilly) PB 769p
Arduino : A Technical Reference Hughes 2016 (O'Reilly) PB 613p
Arduino Robotics Warren 2011 PB 601p
Audel's New Electric Library Vol. 1 Graham 1929 (print 1936) HB 471p
Basic Electrical Engineering Cathey 1984 (Schaum's Outline) PB 298p
Basic Eng. Circuit Analysis Irwin 2005 8th HB 794p
Basic Electrical Engineering Fitzgerald 1975 4th HB 817p
Classical Electricity and Magnetism Panofsky 1962 2nd HB 494p
Classical Electromagnetic Radiation Marion 1980 2nd HB 488p
Communication Systems Haykin 1994 3rd HB 872p
Digital Computing Systems Williams 1959 McGraw-Hill Series in Information Processing and Computers) HB 229p
Digital Filtering : An Introduction Cunningham 1992 HB 536p
Digital Filters and the Fast Fourier Transform Liu 1975 HB 423p
Digital Transmission Lines Granzow 1998 HB 343p + CD
Digital Electronics Tokheim 1994 4th HB 345p
Direct Current Machinery Kloeffler 1948 rev. ed. (12th print 1959) HB 395p
(2) Direct Current Analysis Seippel 1975 PB 105p
Electric Drives Subrahmanyam 1994 HB 715p
Electric Motors and Control Techniques Gottleib 1994 2nd PB 294p
Electric Transients Magnusson 1926 2nd HB 239p
Electrical Engineering Fundamentals Angus 1961 HB 516p
Electrical Engineering Irwin/Kerns 1995 HB 780p
Electricity and Magnetism Bleaney 1957 HB 676p
Electricity and Magnetism Duffin 1980 3rd PB 467p
Electronic Analog Measurements and Transducers Malmstadt 1973 Module 1 PB 203p
Control of Electrical Quantities in Instrumentation Malmstadt 1973 Module 2 PB 355p
Digital and Analog Data Conversions Malmstadt 1973 Module 3 PB 455p
Optimization of Electronic Measurements Malmstadt 1973 Module 4 PB 199p
Electrical Motor Controls Rockis and Mazur 1977 HB 490p
Electricity and Magnetism Nelkon 1948 HB 431p
Electromagnetic Waves Langer (Ed.) 1962 Pub. #6 Math Research Ctr. U.S. Army, Univ. Wis. HB 396p
Electromagnetics Edminister 1979 Schaums Outline PB 202p
Electromagnetism Slater 1947 (Dover Print 1969) PB 240p
Electromechanical System Theory Koenig 1961 (M-Hill Elect. Eng. Series) HB 504p
Electronic Computer Projects for Commodore and Atari PC Sivakumaran 1986 PB 182p (rings)
Electronic Circuits Lowenberg 1967 (Schaums Outline) PB 274p
Electronic Motion Harman 1953 (M-Hill Elect. Eng. Series) HB 319p
Electronics Cookbook Monk 2017 (O'Reilly) PB 436p
The Electronics Handbook Whitaker (Ed.) 1996 CRC Press HB 2575p
Electronics Principles and Applic. Schuler 1994 4th HB 406p
Electronic Sensors for the Evil Genius Petruzellis 2006 PB 330p
Electronics Technology Kaufman 1982 (Schaums Outline) PB 373p
Elements of Electromagnetic Waves Ware 1949 HB 202p
Elements of Linear Circuits Scott 1965 HB 408p
Embedded C Programming and the Microchip PIC Barnett 2004 PB 497p
Encyc of Electronic Circuits Graf 1985 TAB Books HB 760p
Engineering Circuit Analysis Hayt 1978 3rd HB 782p
Engineering Electromagnetics Hayt 1958 M-Hill Elect Eng. Series HB 328p
Engineer's Mini-Notebooks :
Op Amp IC Circuits Mims 1985 PB 48p
Magnets and Magnetic Sensor Projects Mims 1998 PB 48p
Digital Logic Circuits Mims 1986 PB 48p
Science Projects Mims 1990 PB 48p
555 Timer IC Circuits Mims 1984 PB 32p
Optoelectronics Circuits Mims 1986 PB 48p
Supplement to 555 Timer IC Circ. Mims 1985 PB 20p
Electronic Sensor Circuits and Projects Mims 2007 4th ed. PB 140p
Electricity 1 - 7 Books Mileaf 1976 (rev. 2nd ed.) Hayden Pub. PB 104,136,148,164,118,149,157 p
Essential Circuits Reference Guide Markus 1988 HB 531p
Exploring Arduino Blum 2013 PB 357p
The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla Tesla/Childress 1993 PB 351p
The 555 Timer Applications Sourcebook Berlin 1985 (print 2014) PB 158p
Foundations of Electronics Meade 1991 HB 892p
Foundations of Electricity and Magnetism Barnes 1965 HB 381p
Fractional Horsepower Electric Motors 1948 2nd HB 554p
Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics Ulaby 2010 6th HB 498p
(2)Fundamentals of Electricity and Magnetism Kip 1962 HB 406p ***
Fundamentals of Electricity and Magnetism Kip 1962 HB 406p ***
Fundamentals of Electricity and Magnetism Loeb 1938 2nd HB 554p ***
Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics Cheng 1993 PB 488p
Getting Started in Electronics Mims 1983 (5th print 1987) PB 128p
Getting Started with Arduino Banzi 2011 2nd PB 117p
Guide to Electronic Measurements and Lab Practice Wolf 1983 2nd HB 478p
Guidebook of Electronic Circuits Markus 1974 HB 1067p
Hacking Electronics Monk 2013 PB 274p
Having Fun with Transistors Buckwalter 1962 PB 127p
Illustrated Guidebook to Electronic Devices and Circuits Hughes 1983 HB 429p
Industrial Electricity Part 1 Dawes 1924 (Elect. Eng. Texts) HB 371p ***
Industrial Electricity Part 2 Dawes 1925 (Elect. Eng. Texts) HB 480p ***
Intermediate Mathematics of Electromagnetics Stinson 1976 HB 289p
Intro to Circuit Analysis and Design Ciletti 1988 HB 675p
Intro to Electrodynamics Griffiths 1993 3rd PB 594p
Intro to Electromagnetic Theory Owen 1963 (Dover print 2003) PB 506p
Intro to Programmable Logic Controllers Dunning 1998 HPB 432p
Intro to Solid State Physics Kittel 1956 HB 617p
Introductory Circuit Analysis Boylestad 1982 4th HB 788p
Introductory Circuit Analysis Boylestad 2007 11th HB 1156p
Learning Experiences in Electricity Gerrish 1967 (9th print 1974) PB 240p
Light Emitting Diodes Schubert 2003 PB 313p
Make : More Electronics Platt 2014 PB 357p
Matrix Algebra for Electrical Engineers Braae 1963 HB 162p
Microelectronic Circuits Sedra 1987 2nd HB 962+56p
Microelectronic Circuits Sedra 2004 5th HB 1283+73p
Microprocessor Fundamentals Tokheim 1983 (Schaums Outline) PB 378p
MIT Radiation Lab Series :
#1 Radar System Engineering Ridenhour 1947 HB 748p
#5 Pulse Generators Glasoe 1948 HB 741p
#18 Vacuum Tube Amplifiers Valley 1948 HB 743p
#19 Waveforms Chance 1949 HB 785p
#23 Microwave Receivers Van Voorhis 1948 HB 618p
#16 Microwave Mixers Pound 1948 MIT Radiation Lab Series HB 381p
#9 Microwave Transmission Circuits Ragan 1948 MIT Radiation Lab Series HB 725p
#8 Principles of Microwave Circuits Montgomery 1948 MIT Radiation Lab Series HB 486p
#10 Waveguide Handbook Marcuvitz 1951 MIT Radiation Lab Series HB 428p
Modern Communications and Spread Spectrum Cooper 1986 HB 436p
Motors for Makers Scarpino 2016 HPB 307p
Network Analysis with Appilcations Stanley 2000 3rd HB 676p
Physical Basis for Elect. Engineering Martin 1957 HB 410p
Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Devices Grove 1967 HB 366p
Practical Electronics for Inventors Scherz/Monk 4th 2016 PB 1027p
Principles and Applications of Elect. Eng. Rizzoni 2004 4th revised HB 1022p
The Principles of Electricity and Magnetism Scott 1959 (print 1960) HB 635p
Principles of Electromagnetic Theory Kovetz 1990 PB 221p
Principles of Transistor Circuits Amos 1961 2nd HB 210p
Principles of Transistor Circuits Shea (Ed.) 1953 (Print 1960) HB 535p
Producing Your Own Power Stoner 1974 HB 332p
Programming Arduino Next Steps Monk 2014 PB 264p
Programming and Customizing PIC Microcontrollers Predko 2002 2nd PB 1190p
Quantum Aspects of Optical Communications Bendjaballah (ed.) 1991 (Springer Lecture Notes in Physics #378) HB 385p
Quantum Electrodynamics 34 papers Schwinger 1958 (Dover) PB 424p
Quantum Electronics Yariv 1975 2nd HB 570p
Radio Engineers Handbook Terman 1950 HB 1019p
Radio Shack 2002 Catalog PB 442p DISCARD
Robot Builder's Bonanza McComb 1987 PP 326p
Semiconductor Reference Guide 1987 (Radio Shack, 1986) PB 288p
Servomechanisms Devices and Fundamentals Miller 1977 HB 260p
Shortwave Listening Guide Barden 1987 PB 129p
Shortwave Antennas Yoder PB 207p
Signals and Systems Roberts 2004 HB 1054p
Signals, Systems, and Transforms Phillips 2003 3rd HB 765p
Stiquito (Robot) Conrad 1998 PB 317p
A Student's Guide to Maxwell's Equations Fleisch 2008 17th print 2017 PB 134p
XXXXX SOLD A Student's Guide to Maxwell's Equations Fleisch 2008 6th print 2009 PB 134p
Teardowns : Learning How ... Bergeron 2010 PB 312p
Timer, OpAmp, and Optoelectronics Circuits Projects Mims 2007 4th PB 124p
Transients for Electrical Engineers Nahin 2019 HB 189p
Transistor Circuit Analysis and Design Corning 1965 HB 466p
Understanding Digital Electronics McWhorter 1986 (Radio Shack) PB 270p approx.
Understanding Automotive Electronics 1984 2nd PB 284p
Understanding Digital Computers Mims 1987 2nd PB 317p
Using Your Meter 1985 Radio Shack PB 150p approx.
Weather Toys Building and Hacking a Weather Station Bitson 2006 PB 471p
Biology, Medical, other Life Science Books
Adler's Physiology of the Eye Kaufman 2003 10th (Mosby) HB 876p
Atlas of Dental and Oral Pathology Bernier 1948 HB 230p
Beginnings in Agriculture Mann 1914 (Pub. 1911) Rural Text-book series HB 341p
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Elliott 1997 HB 437p
Biological Psychology Breedlove 2007 5th Hb 610+109p
Biology Brooker 2008 HB 1299+91p
Birds of the Carolinas Potter 1980 HB 408p
The Black Widow Spider Thorp/Woodson 1976 (Dover) (Originally 1945 UNC Press) PB 222p
The Book of Spiders and Scorpions Preston-Mafham 1996 HB 144p
Botany Moore 1995 HB 824+69p
Butterflies and Moths Carter 1992 PB 304p
Carolina Science 2009 Carolina Biological Supply Catalog PB 1117p
Concepts of Genetics Klug 2000 6th HB 816p
Diseases of the Eye Perkins 1957 HB 91p
Entomology Dashetsky 1994 PB 175p
Errors of Refraction and Their Correction with Glasses Valk 1890 HB 241p
Euglenoid Flagellates Leedale 1967 HB 242p
Experiments and Observations of the Gastric Juice ... Beaumont 1959 (Dover original 1833) HB 280p
Exploring the World of Insects Forsyth 1992 PB 64p
A Field Guide to Insects Borror 1970 PB 404p
A Field Guide to Insects and Spiders Milne 1980 Nat. Audobon Soc. PB 989p
Foundations of Parasitology Schmidt 1989 4th HB 750p
Functional Anatomy of Vertebrates Walker 1994 2nd PB 788 + 52p
Fundamentals of Applied Entomology VI Pest Management Wilson 1984 PB 216p
Head Anatomy Pertinent to Dentistry ... Wernet Division 1966 Spiral HB 19p (Plastic Overlays)
Histology Ham 1979 8th HB 966p
Human Neuroanatomy Strong 1943 HB 417p
Insects Zim 2001 Golden Guide (revised) PB 160p
Insects : Their Natural History and Diversity Marshall 2006 HB 718p
Life at the Edge Gould 1989 (Sci. American) PB 162p
Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas Radford 1968 HB 1183p
The Mason Bees O'Toole 2001 PB 28p (2)
Maxillofacial Anatomy Shapiro 1954 HB 392p
Merck Manual 1987 15th HB 2696p
Microbiology and Pathology Carter 1953 5th HB 847p
National Audobon Soc. Insects and Spiders Farrand 1988 (10th print 2002) PB 189p
The Natural World of Bugs and Insects Preston-Mafham 2000 HB 512p
149 Ways to Wipe Your Ass Stephen Wolfe, MD 2015 PB 143p (Autographed) Dermatologist
Ornithology in the Lab and Field Pettingill 1970 4th HB 524p
Partnerships, Combinations, and Antagonisms in Disease Ibotson 1929 HB 348p
Pathophysiology The Biological Basis ... Chance 2010 6th (Mosby) HB 1838p
Plant Physiology Taiz 1991 HB 565p
Plant Propagation Toogood 1999 HB 320p
The Practical Entomologist Imes 1992 PB 160p
The Rainbow Web Block 2005 HB 30p (CD Included)
Seashores A guide to Animals and Plants Along Beaches Zim 1955 (16th print 1962) Golden Nat. Guide PB 160p
Sensation and Perception Coren 1993 4th HB 747p
Simon and Schuster's Guide to Insects Arnett 1981 PB 511p
Snakes of the Southeast Gibbons 2005 PB 253p
Snakes of the World Stidworthy 1971 (print 1972) Bantam PB 159p
Spiders The Ultimate Predators Dalton 2008 PB 208p
Spiders of the Carolinas Gaddy 2009 PB 208p
Spiders and Their Kin Levi 1968 Golden Nature Series PB 160p
Spiders and Their Kin Levi 1987 2nd Golden Nature Series PB 160p
Spiders: Their Structure and Habits Emerton 1883 (American Nature History Series 2) HB 118p
Stroud's Digest on the Diseases of Birds Stroud 1943 HB 500p
300 Super Tomato Tips Organic Gardening Mag. 1993 PB 56p
Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Joslin 1928 HB 998p
The Unseen Universe Gilmore 1972 (print 1974) (re. electron microscopy) PB 159p
The Use of the Microscope Belling 1930 HB 315p
Venomous Animals Brodie 1989 Golden Guide PB 160p
Wasp Farm Evans 1963 (print 1985) PB 178p
Wild Bird Mag. July/Aug 2005 V19 #4 PB 72p
Wildlife in NC Rivers of NC Special Issue Nov 1999 PB 128p
Zoology Descriptive and Practical Colton 1906 Part 1 HB 375p
Meteorology, Oceanography Books
Andrew ! Savagery from the Sea 1992 Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sintinel PB 92p
Atlantic Hurricanes Dunn 1964 2nd HB 377p
The Atmosphere- A Challenge The Science of Jule G. Charney Lindzen 1990 AMS HB 321p
The Atmospheric System Developed (As God Made it ) Butler 1870 HB 403p
Atmospheric Science An Intro Survey Wallace/Hobbs 1977 HB 467p
Cloud Physics and Cloud Seeding Battan 1962 PB 144p
Curricula in the Atm. and Oceanographic Sciences 1982 (Pub. 1983) AMS PB 369p
8th Symposium on Education 10-15 Jan 1999 AMS PB 227p
8th Conference on Severe Local Storms 1973 AMS PB 359p
9th Conference on Fire and Forest Meteorology 21-24 April 1987 AMS PB 281p
9th Conf on Weather Forecasting and Analysis 28 Jun-1 July 1982 AMS PB 483p
13th Conf on Numerical Weather Prediction 13-17 Sept 1999 AMS 253p
13th Conference on Severe Local Storms 1983 AMS PB 375+36p
14th Conference on Severe Local Storms and Atm Electricity 1985 AMS PB 414+52p
15th Conference on Severe Local Storms 1988 AMS PB 549p
15th Conf on Weather Analysis and Forecasting 1996 AMS PB 624+145p
16th Conference on Severe Local Storms and Atm Electricity 1990 AMS PB 757+57p
17th Conference on Severe Local Storms and Atm Electricity 1993 AMS PB 850+55p
17th Conf on Weather Analysis and Forecasting 13-17 Sept 1999 AMS PB 239p (in above volume)
18th Conference on Severe Local Storms 1996 AMS PB 786p
19th Conference on Severe Local Storms 1998 AMS PB 793p
21st Conference on Severe Local Storms 2002 AMS PB 681+151p
20th Conference on Severe Local Storms 2000 AMS PB 667+64p
23rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology Vol. 1 Jan. 1999 AMS PB pgs 1-529p
23rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology Vol. 2 Jan. 1999 AMS PB pgs 530-1091
Day of Devastation (Alabama's Tornadoes) 4.27.11 2011 Birmingham News HB 127p
Deadly Season Analysis of 2011 Tornado Outbreaks Simmons 2012 AMS PB 103p
Descriptive Micrometeorology Munn 1966 6th (print 1974) HB 245p
Dynamical and Physical Meteorology Haltiner and Martin 1957 HB 454p
Dynamic Meteorology Haurwitz 1941 HB 365p
The Earth and its Oceans Duxbury 1971 HB 369p
Elements of Meteorology Miller 1975 2nd HB 362p
Extreme Weather Burt 2004 PB 304p
First Field Guide Weather Kahl 1998 (Nat. Audobon Soc.) PB 159p
Forecasts, Famines, and Freezes Gribbin 1976 PB 207p
General Meteorology Byers 1974 4th HB 461p
Harvesting the Clouds Battan 1969 PB 148p
Heavy Rain, Hail, and Tornadoes on 15 May 1968 Chagnon 1971 Illinois State Water Survey PB 48p
Huntsville Tornado November 5, 1989 Huntsville Times 1990 PB 64p
Hydrometeorology of Heavy Rainstorms in Chicago ... Phase 1 Huff 1976 (Illinois St. Water Surv.) PB 63p
Instant Weather Forecasting Watts 1968 (reprint 1976) PB 64p
Intro to Dynamic Meteorology Panofsky 1956 HB 243p
Intro to Meteorology Petterssen 1941 (4th print) HB 236p
(2)Intro to Meteorology Petterssen 1941 (5th print) HB 236p
Intro to Theoretical Meteorology Hess 1959 (reprint 1979) HB 362p
Kansas Storms Destruction, Tragedy, and Recovery Silver 1991 PB 119p
The Lightning Book Viemeister 1961 HB 316p
Local Climat. Data Oklahoma Coty 1992 Annual Summary PB 8p
Mesoscale Modeling of the Atmosphere Pielke 1994 (AMS) HB 165p
Micrometeorology Sutton 1977 (reprint from 1953) HB 333p
Microphysics of Clouds and Precip. Pruppacher and Klett 1978 (print 1980) PB 714p
Mid-Latitude Weather Systems Carlson 1998 (updated ed. AMS) PB 507p
XXXXX SOLD Mid-Latitude Weather Systems Carlson 1998 PB 507p
The Nature of Violent Storms Battan 1961 PB 158p
Notes on Analysis and Severe Storm Forecasting Procedures Miller 1972 (AFGWC USAF) PB 200p (Signed !!!)
Numerical Prediction and Dynamic Meteorology Haltiner/Williams 1980 2nd HB 477p
The Observers Book of Weather Lester 1964 rev. ed. (reprint 1975) PHB 151p
The Oceans : Their Physics, Chemistry, and General Biology Sverdrup 1942 HB 1087p
The Omaha Tornado May 6, 1975 (Boone Pub.) PB 63p
Principles of Meteorological Analysis Saucier 1955 (print 1972) HB 438p
Radar Observes the Weather Battan 1962 PB 158p
Ray Boylan's 1994 Almanac WSOC TV PB 88p
Record Winter Storms in Illinois 1977-78 Chagnon Illinois State Water Survey PB 23p
Relative Humidity Tables for Taylor Hygrometers 1970 PB 10p
The Representation of Cumulus Convection in Numerical Models Emanuel 1993 AMS HB 246p
Severe Convective Storms Doswell (ed.) 2001 AMS HB 561p
Severe Rainstorms in Illinois 1958-59 Huff 1961 Illinois St. Water Surv. PB 70p
A Short Course in Cloud Physics Rogers 1979 2nd PB 235p
Snowstorms along the Northeastern Coast of the U.S. Kocin 1990 AMS HB 280p
Summary of METROMEX Vol. 1 Weather Anomalies ... 1977 Illinois St. Water Surv. PB 260p
Summary of METROMEX Vol. 2 Causes of Precip. Anomalies 1978 Illinois St. Water Surv. PB 395p
Smithsonian Physical Tables Fowle 1929 7th (4th print) HB 458p
Tornado (Science Module) Wright 1997 Student Ed. PB 63p
The Tornado Grazulis 2001 HB 324p
Tornado ! April 3, 1974 Thomas 1974 Louisville Times PB 128p
Tornado Outbreak of April 3, 1974 Synoptic Analysis Hoxit 1975 PB 48p
Tornado Alley and Monster Storms of the Great Plains Bluestein 1999 HB 180p
Tropical Cyclones Their Evolution, Structure, and Effects Anthes 1982 HB 208p
Tornado ! A Diary of the Destruction to Raleigh ... Boone 1989 PB 64p
Tornado : Accounts of Tornadoes in Iowa Stanford 1977 PB 109p
The Way of the Weather Spar 1957 HB 224p
Weather A guide to Phenomena and Forecasts Lehr 1965 2nd PB 160p
Weather Prediction by Numerical Process Richardson 1922 (reprint approx. 2017) PB 231p
Weather Record Book Outstanding Events 1871-1970 Ludlum 1971 PB 98p
Weather and Weather Forecasting Forsdyke 1970 HB 159p
Wichita Falls, Vernon, and Lawton Tornadoes 1979 Boone Pub. PB 64p
The Year of the Storms : The Destructive Kansas Weather of 1990 Inglish 1990 PB
Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity Books (for
Quantum Chemistry, see Chemistry books. Also, see quantum electronics.)
Advanced Quantum Mechanics Dyson 2007 (Transcribed by Derbes) HB 220p
Basic Quantum Mechanics White 1966 (M-Hill Physics and Quantum Electronis) HB 299p
Elementary Quantum Mech. Fong 2005 Expanded ed. HB 377p
General Relativity Susskind 2023 (The Theoretical Minimum) HB 373p
General Relativity and Cosmology McVittie 1962 HB198p
Intro. to Quantum Mechanics Pauling 1935 HB 468p
Intro. to Quantum Mechanics Griffiths 1995 HB 394p **
Quantum Mechanics Griffiths 2005 2nd HB 468p **
Molecular Quantum Mechanics Atkins 1983 2nd PB 471p
Mr. Tompkins Gamow 1993 2nd (15th print 2013) pb 186P
The New Quantum Mechanics Birtwistle 1928 HB 290p
The Physical Principles of Quantum Theory Heisenberg 1949 Dover print 1993 (or after) PB 183p
The Picture Book of Quantum Mechanics Brandt 1995 2nd HB 423P
The Principle of Relativity Lorentz, Einstein, Minkowski, Weyl 1923 (Dover p. 1976) PB 216p
Quantum Field Theory Ryder 1985 PB 443p
Quantum Measurement Khalili 1992 HB 191p
Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry Hanna 1969 2nd PB 260p
Quantum Mechanics in Hilbert Space Prugovecki 1971 Academic Press Pure and Appl. Math #41 HB 648p
Quantum Mechanics Peleg 1998 (Schaum's Outline) PB 312p
Quantum Mechanics and Experience Albert 1992 (5th print 1995) HB 206p
Quantum Mechanics V.1 Cohen-Tannoudji 1977 PB pp 1-898 ****
Quantum Mechanics V.2 Cohen-Tannoudji 1977 PB pp 902-1524 ****
Quantum Mechanics Landau 1974 (A Shorter Course in Theor. Physics V.2) HB 369p
Quantum Mechanics Schiff 1968 3rd (Internat. Series in Pure and Applied Physics) HB 544p
Quantum Mech. Theoretical Minimum Susskind 2014 PB 364p
Quantum Physics Gasiorowicz 1974 HB 514p
Quantum Physics for Dummies Holzner 2013 rev. ed. PB 318p
Quantum Theory Bohm 1951 Dover print 1989 PB 646p
Quantum Theory Bohm 1951 (print 1955) HB 646p
Quantum Theory Planck/Bohr; Intro. by Lees 2019 Great Works that Shape Our World (reprint from 1918) HB 191
Relativity the Special and General Theory Einstein 1921 HB 168p
Relativistic Quantum Mech. Greiner 1990 (3rd print 1995) PB 345p
Sources of Quantum Mechanics Van der Waerden 1967 (Dover print 2007) PB 430p
Special and General Relativity (reprint) Einstein 2019 (intro by Counihan) HB 239p
Special Relativity and Classical Field Theory Susskind/Friedman 2017 HB 425p
Symmetry and Quantum Systems Wolbarst 1977 HB 249p
Teach Yourself Quantum Mechanics A Complete Intro. Zagoskin 2015 PB 407p
Theory and Applications of Quantum Mechanics Yariv 1982 HB 300p
The Meaning of Quantum Theory Baggot 1995 (3rd print) PB 230p
The Quantum Universe Cox 2011 HB 516p
30-Second Quantum Theory Clegg (Editor) 2017 HB 159p
Acoustics Books
Acoustics Seto 1971 (Schaum's Outline) PB 195p
Acoustics and Architecture Sabine 1932 HB 327p
The Acoustics of Buildings Davis 1927 HB 216p
The Acoustical Foundations of Music Backus 1969 HB 312p
Applied Architectural Acoustics Rettinger 1947 HB 189p
Intro to Acoustics Randall 2005 Dover PB 340p
Physics for Kids 49 Easy Experiments with Acoustics Wood 1991 (TAB) PB 150p
The Science and Applications of Acoustics Raichel 2000 HB 598p
Sound and Structural Vibration Fahy 1985 (print 2000) PB 309p
Sound Waves and Their Shape and Speed Miller 1937 HB 164p
Computer Programming, repair, history, calculator manuals
Arithmetic Operations in Digital Computers Richards 1955 HB 397p
Artificial Intelligence : The Hueristic ... Slagle 1971 HB 196p
Beginning Java 5 Game Programming Harbour 2006 PB 358p
Beginning PHP 5 and MySQL form Novice to Prof. Gilmore 2004 PB 736p
Casio Power Graphic FX 7700G Owners Manual 1991 (Casio) PC 217p
Computer Graphics Plastock 1986 (Schaum's Outline) PB 340p
Computers and the Imagination Pickover 1991 PB 414p
Compaq Users Guide Presario 5000/5100 Series PB 81p
Computer Programming for Teens Farrell 2008 PB 331p
Computers, Pattern Chaos, and Beauty Pickover 1990 PB
The Computer Prophets Rosenberg 1969 HB 192p
CSS Mastery Advanced Web Standards and Solutions Budd 2006 PB 255p
Digital Computer Design Fundamantals Chu 1962 HB 481p
DOS 6 for the Guru Wannabe McFedries 1993 PB 385p
DOS 6.2 Instant Reference Thomas 1994 2nd PB 346p
An Easy Course in Programming the HP 48G/GX Coffin 1993 PB 243p
Electronic Computer Projects for Commodore and Atari PC Sivakumaran 1986 PB 182p (Ringed)
Eloquent Javascript Haverbeke 2015 2nd PB 451p
Expert Crosswords and More Users Guide 1994 PB 16p
Head First Html with CSS and XHTML Freeman 2006 PB 658p
High Speed Computing Devices Tompkins 1950 HB 451p
HP 48G Series Users Guide 1993 PB 200p approx.
HP Software and Accessories for HP 48G Family PB 20p approx
HP CD Writer Plus 8200e/8210e Users Guide 2000 PB 18p
How to do Everything with Javascript Duffy 2003 PB 349p
Ipad for Beginners Asadi (Head Pub.) 2012 PB 175p
Java A Beginner's Guide Schildt 2014 6th PB 699p
Java 2D Graphics Knudsen 1999 (O'Reilly) PB 339p
Java for the World Wide Web Smith 2002 PB 345p DISCARD
Java Your Visual Blueprint for Building ... Friedman-Hill 2001 PB 305p
Javascript Your Visual Blueprint ... Murdock 2000 PB 282p
JQuery: Novice to Ninja Castledine 2010 PB 407p
Learning Java with JBuilder 4 2000 (Borland) PB 200p approx
Learning Java Niemeyer 2000 (O'Reilly) PB 706p DISCARD
Logitech Quickcam Pro 3000 Users Guide 2001 PB 5p
Machine Language for Beginners (Atari, Vic, Commodore) Mansfield 1983 PB 350p (rings)
Maple 5 Release 2 Release Notes 1981-1993 PB 42p DISCARD
Maple 5 by Example Abell 1994 PB 500p DISCARD
Maple 5 Flight Manual Ellis 1992 PB 185p DISCARD
Maple 5 Release 2 Getting Started 1981-1993 PB 65p DISCARD
Mathcad 2000 Users Guide 1986-1999 PB 335p
Microsoft Flight Sim. 2000 1983-1999 PB 238p
Microsoft Windows and MS DOS 6.2 Users Guide 1993 PB 415p
Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Step by Step Halvorson 1998 PB 431p
Microsoft Windows 95 (1981-1985) PB 95p
Microsoft Windows 98 1998 PB 129p
Minicomputers for Scientists and Engineers Korn 1973 HB 303p
PC Novice Guide to Upgrading 1997 V.5 Issue 8 PB 152p
PHP 5 in Easy Steps McGrath 2004 PB 192p
Professional Javascript McFarlane 1999 PB 1149p DISCARD
Programming the 6502 Zaks 1983 4th PB 408p
Programming with Basic Gottfried 1975 (Schaum's Outline) PB 239p
QBasic Primer Plus Mackenroth 1991 PB 808p
Quick Start Guide Puzzle Creator 2000 Ablesoft 1999 PB 20p
Scientific and Engineering Applications with Personal Computers Annino 1986 HB 577p
Step by Step Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Frye 2004 +CD PB 325p
Soundblaster 16 Creative Labs 1993 PB 165p DICSARD
Sportsmaster Winmodem Users Guide 1996 PB 132p DISCARD
Supercharged Javascript Graphics Cecco 2011 (O'Reilly) PB 260p
Teach Yourself HTML and CSS in 24hours Meloni 2010 (Sams) PB 445p
Teach Yourself Game Programming in 24 hours Morrison 2003 (Sams) PB 486p
Teach Yourself C++ in 24 Hours Liberty 2005 (Sams) PB 503p
Teach Yourself Java O'Neil 1999 PB 707p DISCARD
The Thinking Machine Pfeiffer 1962 HB 242p
TI-68 Guidebook 1989 (Texas Inst.) PB 200p Approx
ULead Gif Animator User Guide 1999 PB 32p
UMAX Astra 1220U Scanner Owners Guide 1998 PB 32p
Upgrading and Fixing PCs for Dummies Rathbone 1995 2nd PB 343p
Using Visual Basic Sprague 1998 2nd HB 662p DISCARD
Other Books, including geology
All about Market Timing Masonson 2004 PB 246p
The Andy Griffith Show Book Beck 2000 2nd PB 220p
The Andy Griffith Show Book Beck 1985 SIGNED PB 195p
Are You Smart or What ? Battaglia 2001 SIGNED PB 112p
Babe Ruth As I Know Him Hoyt 1948 (Magazine; Stapled) PB 50p
Bananagrams Ederly 2009 PB 283p
Baseball's All-Time Greats: The Top 50 Players Davis 1970 PB 149p
Bathrooms Time-Life Home Repair 1994 HB 128p Spiral Bound
The Big Book of Hacks Cantor (ed.) 2012 Pub. Popular Science PB 264+16p
Big Book of Whittle Fun Lubkemann 2012 PB 127p
Big A : The Story of Lew Alcindor Cohen 1971 PB 112p
Billboard Top 100 Singles 1955-1990 Whitburn PB 135p
Briggs and Stratton Single Cylinder L-Head Repair Manual 2003 PB 326p
Building Scientific Apparatus Moore 1983 HB 483p
Bulls Make Money, Bears Make Money, Pigs Get Slaughtered Callea 2002 HB 251p
Challenging Puzzles for Word Fanatics Bredehorn 2001 PB 95p
Charlotte Hornets Media Giude 1988-89 PB 144p
The Complete Book of Stationary Power Tool Techniques Cristoforo 1988
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Market Timing Barrie 2003
Dark Sun - The Making of the H-Bomb Rhodes PB 1995
Dell Pocket Crossword Puzzles Feb. 2016 PB 130p
Dictionary of Math Games, Puzzles, and Amusements Eiss 1998 HB 278p
Digital Cartography Cromley 1992 HB 317p
Discover Mag. Jan 2005 PB 88p
Dresses, Dreams, and Beadwood Leaves Ebel 2009 SIGNED PB 57p
Drills and Drill Presses 2010 Skills Institute Press PB 101p
Earthquake Country Iacopi 1971 (Rev. ed.) (3rd print 1973) PB 160p
El Alcalde de Zalamea Geddes 1918 HB 197p
Elements of Mining Young 1932 3rd HB 707p
Encyclopedia Britannica Handy Volume Issue 11th ed. 1910 29 Volumes; Vol. 24 missing
ESPN Sports Almanac 2005 PB 959p
Expert Crosswords and More User's Guide 1994 PB 16p
The Fall of Japan WW2 Wheeler 1983 Time-Life Books HB 207p
Footprints on the Moon Barbour 1969 HB 214p
The 40 Who Changed Sports Sport Magazine Dec 1986 (collector's Ed.) PB 148p
Field Book of Common Rocks and Minerals Loomis 1948 (Rev. ed.; 29th print) HB 352p
Fifteen Dangerously Mad Projects for the Evil Genius Monk 2011 (TAB) PB 215p
First Course in General Science Barber 1917 HB 607p
First Steps in Scientific Knowledge Bert 1887 (some pgs missing) HB 354p
Formulas, Methods, Tips, and Data for Home and Workshop Sweezy 1969 HB 691p
Fundamentals of the Stock Market Wtss 2001 PB 245p
Gadget Warfare Vietnam War Berry (Illust. History Vietnam War Series) 1990 or earlier PB 158p
Games of the XXIII Olympiad Los Angeles 1984 HB 287p
Games for the Super Intelligent Fixx 1972 PB 132p
Giant Book of Card Tricks Longe 2003 PB 383p
Giant Steps Autubiography of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Jabbar 1983 PB 327p
Grainger Catalog 2023 PB 3106p
Great Books of the Western World #34 Newton, Huygens, ... Alder (Editor) 1952 Brittannica HB 619p
Great Books of the Western World #45 Lavosier, Fourier, Faraday ... Alder (Editor) 1952 Brittannica HB 898p
Great Centers of Pro Basketball Rubin 1975 HB 152p
Guiness Book of World Records 2015 HB 255p
Haynes Repair Manual Chev. and GMC Vans Pfeil and Haynes 1999 PB approx. 300p
Hiroshima Hersey 1946 (Repub. 1985) PB 152p
Holy Bible 1989 PB 1133p
Holy Bible Containing the Ol and New Test. (N.Y. Bible Soc.) 1892 HB 725+224p (last 2 pgs missing)
How to Buy Stocks ... Engel 1967 6th (9th print 1969) PB 259p
How to Make Money in Stocks O'Neil 2002 PB 288p
Hugh Morton's North Carolina Morton 2003 HB 207p
Intro. to Optical Mineralogy Nesse 1991 2nd HB 335p
Investment Clubs Shaw 1995 PB 151p
Is the Kingdom of God Realism ? Jones 1940
La Verdad Sospechosa Owen 1928 HB 177p
Life Goes to the Movies 1975 (Editor Donovan) HB 304p
Life in the West; or, the Moreton Family (American Sunday School Union) 1851 HB 250p
Life Mag. June 8, 1962 (Cover: Stock Market) PB
Life Mag. March 6, 1964 (Cover: Cassius Clay) PB
Life Mag. Aug 27, 1965 (Cover: Los Angeles Riots) PB
Life's Lessons From Mayberry Oszustowicz 1997 HB 122p
The Lincoln Library of Essential Information 1924 Fronter Press HB 2172p
The Making of the Atomic Bomb Rhodes 1988 (1986) PB 886p
Manual of Mineralogy Klein 1993 21st HB 681p
Manual for the Quartermaster Corps U.S. Army Vol. 2 Appendix 1916 (Print 1917) HB 594p
Mastering Woodworking Machines Duginske 1992 (print 1993) PB 245p
XXXXX SOLD M.C Escher 29 Master Prints 1983 (Abrams Inc.) PB 64p
M.C Escher 29 Master Prints 1983 (Abrams Inc.) PB 64p Slighly smaller than above
Mensa Mind Assault Course Chatten 1999 PB 256p
Mensa Puzzle Challenge 3 Allen 2001 PB 356p
Mere Christianity C.S. Lewis 1952 (Rev. ed.) PB 190p
Military Training Field Leadership (OTS) Jan 1982 PB 100p stapled
Mooresville, NC The Early Years Haselden 1967 PB 157p
The Mysterious Rider Grey 1921 HB 336p
National Audobon Soc. Pocket Guide Constellations Melcher 1995 PB 192p
National Geographic Index 1947-1983 HB 606p
National Geographic Index 1947-1976 HB 449p
National High School Sports Record Book 1989 Durbin NFHS PB 293p
New Testament Scott 1812 Vol. 1 (Through Acts) Leatherbound ?
New Testament 1802 (Pub. Peter Brynberg) HB
North Carolina High School Record Book Stevens 1989 PB 92p
North Carolina Roads and Their Builders Vol. 1 Waynick 1952 HB 308p
North Carolina Roads and Their Builders Vol. 2 Harden 1966 HB 252p
The Olympic Games 2004 Athens 1896-Athens 2004 (Pub. Dorling-Kindersley) HB 372p
The Olympics A History of the Games Johnson 1993 HB 224p
The Old Farmers Almanac 2007 PB 288p
100 Suns 2003 Light HB 200p approx (nuclear test photos)
101 Outer Space Projects for the Evil Genius Prochnow 2007 PB 300p
1001 Inventions That Changed the World Baylis/Challoner 2009 HB 960p
Operation Crossroads The Official Pictorial Record 1946 (Wise and Co.) HB 224p
Panty Hose, Hot Peppers, TeaBags, ... 2005 (Yankee Magazine) PB 316p
The Pearl; or, Affection's Gift Ash 1832 HB 216p
Pictorial Ancient History of the World ... Frost 1846 Vol. 1 HB 368p
Pictorial Ancient History of the World ... Frost 1846 Vol. 2 HB 360p
Pictorial Ancient History of the World ... Frost 1846 Vol. 3 HB 368p
Pictorial History of American Sports Durant 1952 Leather bound 280p
The Picture Man Ebel 2009 SIGNED HB 32p
Popular Science April 1950 PB 296p
Portrait of Christ for Newlyweds 1955 (9th print 1957) Goodwill Pub. HB 64p
Powers of Nature 1978 Nat. Geographic HB 199p
Principles of Color Photography Evans 1953 HB 709p
Rain of Ruin - Photographic History of Hiroshima Goldstein 1995 HB 175p
Reader's Digest Book of Puzzles and Brain Teasers 2005 PB 320p
Real Money Cramer 2005 PB 300p
The Reason Why 1860 (or before) Dick and Fitzgerald Pub. HB 346p
Rule the Freakin Markets Parness 2002 HB 246p
Rules of the Trade Nassar 2001 HB 253p
Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes Graham (Dover 1998) PB 58p
Salt in His Shoes Michael Jordan in Pursuit of a Dream D. Jordan 2000 PB 30p
Sanders 5th Reader (School Reader 5th Book) Sanders 1855 Leather 456p
Science Magic Swezey 1952 HB 182p
The Scientific Journal of the Royal College of Science Vol. XVII 1947 HB 137p
The Scientific Journal of the Royal College of Science Vol. XIX 1949 HB 164p
Self Propelled Vehicles Homans 1910 HB 667p
The Semi-Scholars Van Gennep 1967 HB 71p
700 Science Experiments for Everyone (UNESCO) 1962 HB 250p
Simple Soldering A Beginners Guide to Jewelry Making Richbourg 2012 PB 159p
Sneaky Uses for Everyday Things Tymony 2009 PB 493p
The Space Encyclopedia 1960 (Dutton Pub.) HB 288p
Sport Magazine Special Collector's Edition The 40 Who Changed Sports Dec. 1986 PB 148p
Sports Illustrated Greatest Pictures 1998 HB 176p
Sports Illust. Mag. 4/12/93 (UNC Championship) PB 102p
Sports Illust. Mag. The Dream Season 1993 PB
Sports Illust. Mag. 3/6/72 (Bill Walton) PB
Sports Illust. Mag. Classic Fall 1991 PB 102p
Sports Illust. Mag. Greatest Athletes 1999 PB 176p
Stars: A Guide to the Constellations, ... Zim 1956 PB 160p
Stars and Planets Ekrutt 1992 PB 159p
Structural Geology Hatcher 1995 2nd HB 525p
Terrestrial Heat Flow and the Lithosphere ... Cermak(ed.) 1991 (Springer) HB 507p
The Successful Inventor O'Neil 2004 PB 182p
That's a Fact Jack! Bright 2003 (Updated ed.) HB 207p
This Fabulous Century 1988 (Time; 5 books in pocket) PB 65p per book approx.
A Treatise on the Structure of the English Language Greene 1846 HB 258p
Twenty-Five Stupid Mistakes ... Stock Market Rye 2002 PB 320p
U.S. Air Power : Key to Deterrence Jordan (AFROTC) 1983 or before Stapled PB 245p
U.S. Navy War Photographs Steichen After 1945 PB 108p
U.S. Nuclear Weapons : The Secret History Hansen 1988 HB 232p
The Way Things Work Macaulay 1998 HB 400p
Volcanoes New and Old Coleman 1946 HB 222p
"We" C. Lindbergh 1927 (31st Print 1928) HB 318p
Who's Who in Baseball 1984 Maclean(ed.) 1984 PB 248p
Who's Who in Baseball 2002 Maclean(ed.) 2002 PB 351p
Wildlife in NC Rivers of NC (Special Issue) Nov. 1999 PB 128p (2)
The World Almanac 2015 Janssen (ed.) PB 1007p
The World Almanac 2017 Janssen (ed.) PB 1007p
The Works of Shakespeare Knight (ed.) 1878 Leather 560p
Wow: Poems from Buhrer's L.A Classes Buhrer 2001 PB 18p
W.W. Grainger Catalog (See Grainger Above)